Ugh, I just wish I was straight...

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Ugh, I just wish I was straight...

Postby Ih8Life » Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:21 pm

Too many people look down on me as a degenerate, someone who's completely inferior. :/

Nobody takes me seriously anymore or wants to socially interact with me/hangout since i've been openly Gay.

Any solutions I've went about seek counselling and such, but to no success.

Im seriously considering just dating girls and telling people I was joking or lying :(

Need help...

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Postby Ieris » Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:15 pm

You are free to make your own choices, you don't owe anyone an explanation but yourself. You first need to accept who you are and not look for "approval" from others, you don't need to justify yourself to people who won't/can't understand. It must have taken so much courage to open up about being Gay, it's not easy and there will be many people who you will meet through life who isn't so accepting but don't despair as there are many people who do.

About 7 out of 10 of my friends are gay, so I have heard their stories about coming out the closet. It was difficult at first but it becomes easier once you fully accept yourself then others will learn to accept you. They now have plenty of friends, gay, straight, bi which doesn't even matter because all that matters is what kind of person you are, your sexual orientation is nobodies business but yours.

I'm not sure how old you are but there are gay/lesbian groups in schools which you can join, if that isn't available then there are websites/forums for people like yourself to share experiences and support. You can still do activities that you enjoy and meet new people, you don't need to share your personal info with them unless you feel like it. You will eventually meet people who won't judge you and like you just the way you are. Cast a wider net and you will those who will accept you for being you ;)


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Postby 4EverMe » Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:52 am

Hi Ih8life,
Is this issue a moral one you're pondering over?
You are not "inferior," as you are a precious human being- made by God.

I will admit that although I am straight, I have felt temptation to occasionally go the other way. However, (for me) I stop myself due to Christian beliefs. It is natural for people to experience temptation. It's what we do with it. There is forgiveness, and then I pray for strength to resist those temptations.

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