I want to quit

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I want to quit

Postby knu » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:12 am

I dont deserve anything. I am the worst person in the world worst at academics worst at relationships worst at everything. But my parents deserve reallly better than me. I lied to my parents many times . God is punishing me. I cant quity beacuse i let down my parents everytime. One more leting down they would not b able to bear that............

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Postby dougsan » Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:55 pm

KNU, 10+ years ago I stopped abusing booze and other drugs. It wasn't easy but it wasn't all that hard once I realized being straight was something I had to do for me. Saying I was working to be straight for my wife, daughter, etc. was counter productive for me because I drank and shot-up for me in efforts to escape me.

Sounds so simple doesn't it, getting straight? It is simple. The hard part is staying straight. Living with myself, my reality, can be a m*rf*k*r! I'm sure you have hurt your parents -- we all do -- and I bet helping yourself to improve will help.

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Re: I want to quit

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:19 pm

knu wrote:I dont deserve anything. I am the worst person in the world worst at academics worst at relationships worst at everything. But my parents deserve reallly better than me. I lied to my parents many times . God is punishing me. I cant quity beacuse i let down my parents everytime. One more leting down they would not b able to bear that............

God is not punishing you for anything. You are not the worst at everything, because you havent tried things against everybody all over the world and you havent tried everything in this world. You parents deserve you. I dont think you should lie to your parents though. It seems good at first but the effects are hazardous and long in the long run. It is better to always be honest and tell the truth then lie. Lying can make you stop being trusted by your folks, it ruins all kinds of relationships.

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