i dont know what to do

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i dont know what to do

Postby siadamia » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:08 am

many thoughts are going on in my mnd.. due to which i am laging behind in everything including studies.. my behaviour and my attitude changes every next hour.. at one time i do good and suddenly i stop doing every thing and goes into depression.. i am trying my best to overcome this.. i am improving too but then suddenly i go negative again and again.. i cant remain constant.. i loose my confidence..
many horrible dreams are coming in my mind.. i had a dream thatj i am with all my family and i saw someone behind me.. then i stood to give him space to sit as i thought she was an old lady,. suddenly by looking at her every one start shouting that she is near and a new born baby get seizures and every one starts making prayers.. that was really horrible.. that lady was something very bad.. i woke up at 2:30 am because of this.. and start reciting prayers in my sleep
some days back i had a dream of black magic.. and i have to sacrifice myself for my family..
similarly i had a dream of losing my teeths..
i dont know what is happening to me.. i am in a big war against myself.. this happens to me very often.. my exams are near and because of that my stress is increasing.. i want to do good in my exams and by thinking this i stop even studying.. also few days back i had suffered from a tragedy when some people threaten me badly infront of every one,.. that incident put me in a mental trauma.. i see that person day and night as that girl is my room mate and i live in hostel.. and i cant change my room right now.. i also have wories about my family
i have a fear to lose my love ones.. ie. my family.. worry about their health..i love them so much but because they are already have many other problems i dont want to talk to them about this.. also i have no friend to whom i can trust upon..
i dont know what to do..

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Postby siadamia » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:02 am

dnt knw what to do.. :(

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:24 am

Get angry with that fear! Stand boldly against it, until you get to the point where it doesn't paralyze you, or take over your life. YOU are stronger than this fear based paranoia. Fear will only drag you as far down as you will allow it! Don't allow it, as you know where fear comes from...

You mentioned that you pray. Do you also rebuke the evil/negative energy that torments you? (I'll PM you soon). But, when you pray for protection, you must have faith. Who has the power to remove this? If He created the universe, He can sure help us with the riddance of fear...

I used to have those persistent paranoid thoughts toi. I would imagine that something might happen to a loved one, and then weep just to think about it. I'm older now, and as soon as a terrible thought comes to mind? I make the choice to block/ignore it. Believe me- I feel for you, because I know what kind of stress you're dealing with! Been there...

Are you taking any medications? Are you sleeping well, at all?

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no m not

Postby siadamia » Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:38 am

no i am not taking any medications... my sleep timings are not fixed.. sme times due to depression i sleep for 12 to 15 hrs a day or more.. or some time just for 4 to 6 hrs ..
Am i suffering from any serious illness..?? or is this a possibility that someone is doing something bad (ie. black magic ) on me.. is that possible.. ??

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Postby 4EverMe » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:36 am

Hello Siadamia,
I can't answer you as to whether or not your problems are the result of black magic. But, why do you ask?? Has anyone threatened you in any way?

Your sleep cycles remind me of mine, and the hours that I do sleep can be night or day. (not all day)! The hours I go to sleep are dependent upon when I last woke up. Sometimes, my sleep cycle is bass ackwards. Lol!

Have you spoken with a counselor or a doctor yet? This could really help. Maybe, your troublesome issues are but only temporary. However, getting any and all help that you need would benefit you. Isn't it worth a try? What do you have to lose, but the bothersome depression- etc. ?
I truly wish you the best. Please keep me (us) updated! :-)

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Hi, Siadamia,

Postby satisfy » Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:30 pm

Do you ever try to do meditation? If you sit down and relax your mind by paying attention to your breath in, breath out, or walking slowly by pay attention to how your feet feel on the floor or earth, it will help relax your mind and your stress. Or you can go to you tube, type "relax music" then listen to those music to cool you down. These are helping me, hope it help you.

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:51 am

Relax music? Thanks satisfy. Seems like good advice that I can use as well.

Yanni is a good one for this type of music!

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