Looking for advice on meeting new people and making friends.

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Re: Looking for advice on meeting new people and making friends.

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:39 pm

LittleThings wrote:Okay so recently I've been trying to get out more and make some friends. There are times when I feel incredibly lonely quite often. Now I deal with depression and social anxiety; so meeting new people scares me, or more accurately it makes me really nervous when I'm around people I don't know. So needless to say I've been making zero progress. I want to try and do this because I would finally like to have a relationship. I have never had one yet and I've realized that I need to make an effort to essentially exist, instead of being coped up and sad. But I'm not really sure how to break the cycle of solitude. I've essentially withdrawn from others due to bullying when I was younger (I'm really short) and that's really hurt my self-confidence. I suck at small talk and often find myself speechless when in a conversation with someone else. There are also times where I try to make a joke and it just does not go well, most of the time no one laughs and I get real self-conscious afterwards. Now I live on a island with a population of around 150K. I work full time and go to school at night, so my free time is extremely limited. Most people I meet are randoms at the grocery store, I don't really go anywhere else. I also have pretty bad social skills and I'm not overly clever/witty. So yeah, If anyone has some advice or helpful tips I'd like to hear them.

Appear confident, people can tell when it is fake confidence. Say hello to people of the opposite sex around you. Take it from there.

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