Feeling at my lowest (Triggering)

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Postby Frame » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:54 am

I earlier wrote:There is a guy named Jack Kornfield, big name in mediation. (I'm not suggesting you meditate just yet but) One of his lectures talks about struggling with the practice of meditation and he asks; "What if practicing is so hard you just can't do it? What if sitting still is so difficult you feel your going to die? What to do? "Die"."

Now, of course he's not telling any one to die. But when we try to stop in the middle of our frenetic lives for a moment and sit, all of our sordid thoughts an feelings we keep pushing away with activity, they come rushing in and won't give us a minutes peace. He's telling us it's OK (especially in meditation)to die to those feelings and to carry on.

So how does that pertain to you?
I can imagine how hard it is to keep these feeling from crashing in.

I also earlier wrote:When you do get the chance, a "reprieve", once again the darkness comes crashing in. This will overwhelm you and anyone who wants to help you. What Jack Kornfield (I think is saying) is that you can die to those feelings for some periods of time and carry on, and not die. These feelings want to be examined and they can be resolved, but over time and not in the middle of a relationship. Much of the work will be done by you alone and I believe you can do it. And you can find a healthy relationship. And you eventually may share these feelings but in a more refined, more resolved form. And your life will be richer for that.

It's OK to give up some times. I feel like I've been giving up each day for years. Some people will tell you , you have to carry your burden and carry on. You can put that burden down sometimes. It's not defeat. It will be right there waiting for. You don't have to do it all at once.

Don't give on us though. We're here for whatever help we can provide.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:01 am

Thank you frame.
It doesn't pertain me at all, sorry. Yes you are right it is hard... Harder than yoh think to be honest.

Each day is a massive struggle for me- been struggling ever since I was the age of 13, nothing has gotten better just worse infact.
I've given up many of times and this time i mean it when I say I give up.
My anxiety is taking over and I feel like I shouldn't even be here as other peoples depression is a lot worse than mine.
I feel like I should just go and take my pitty somewhere else. :(

Keep reaching out where?
To my horrid life? I'm okay thank you.



Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:42 am

Sorry I need to vent!!!

Can't stand it when I see some peoples posts and they trigger me!! Hate it as it triggers all my bad feelings and thoughts up and makes them even stronger. Oh dear lord.

I've had enough today.

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Postby Frame » Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:13 am



Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:39 am

Will anybody reply? :(
Do you all know how desparte and depressed I am?!!!

I am not wanted here am I?
Should I leave everyone? :(

I need comfort.
I have bad thoughts, I can't do this. I'm a mess.

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Postby Frame » Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:43 am

Well, I've offered long responses, and short responses, soft ones, and hard ones.
Your consistent thread is that: nothing I say relates to you, no one is talking to you, and you want some one to respond.

It's OK to vent. I'm glad your trying.

But that's OK too. Your most prevalent wish is that some one respond. So here I go again. I want you to know I'm with you (and so are others) even as you feel so alone.

So this is OK, what your doing. It's OK.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:48 am

Okay? I'm sorry jeez :(

Okay. I'm okay frame :(
Okay thank you, means a lot to me.
But sometimes I feel like you're only replying because you "feel sorry" for me and nothing more...
Don't know why I even bother anymore. I may as well lock myself away on my room and bottle everything up.

Thank you again.

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Postby Frame » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:27 am

No, I'm not actually sorry for you. I would feel sorrow if I thought you were hopeless and helpless. But your hanging there. I'm actually proud of you.

I think your confused about moderators. Moderators aren't therapists (says that somewhere in the instructions). Moderators are here chiefly to keep dangerous, abusive, or coercive content off the site. Most of us just watch.
I post so often because I'm trying to sort myself out. I post to you so often because you keep reaching out. I have a strong belief that, in general, helping others helps me. Your not just whining. Your pain is real. But the way your expressing it may be holding people back. I could imagine people (struggling people, people in pain like you) holding back thinking if Frames not making any head way, what could I say to make her feel better.

And that's what they want; to help you feel better. I know some of them would rather be silent then make things worse. But we all do want you to feel better.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:46 am

Aww thank you frame. Means a lot.
How are you proud of me? I'm selfish and I'm just a screwed up nasty piece of work aren't i? That's how I see myself anyway.
I'm not hanging in there though? I'm giving up very slowly day by day.

Ah okay.... No I know what the mods do thank you :)
But thanks for making it more clear with me...

Ah okay...
Aww thank you.
I'm truly sorry honestly I am :(

I suppose my anxiety doesn't help the matter and also I feel so overwhelmed by everything lately.
I want to be happy again, I want my depression to go away.
I cry myself to sleep every night, I feel so hopeless.


Trigger post; help

Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:02 pm

Oh dear.
Heads a mess again.
Can't sleep. Nightmares, flashbacks, crying ah everything is too much for me to handle.
I feel so weak, like I can't fight this battle anymore. My head is telling me to give up and let the depression win.
I can't take anymore.
I've had enough.
I've reached my breaking point.
Got bad urges to hurt myself badly. Ah.

Feeling so alone, feeling anxious.
Need comfort.
Can't stop crying, I need peace.

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Postby fallen » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:23 pm

i just thought i would say that you are not responsible for your friends death,
life is painful for you at the moment , but it does get better and people can recover from depression.
it seems like the end of the world but it is not.
it seems like sadness will haunt you forever but that is not true.
it seems like the pain is unbearable but it will lift.
you are young and have your whole life ahead of you and this , though it may seem 'this ' is everything at the moment it is not , it is just that a ' moment ', just a hurtful and painful ' moment in time ' .
hope today you are feeling a tiny bit better.
everyone does care on here.
take care


Postby CrazyLady17 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:27 pm

Thank you.
Well here it's pretty early in the morning ergh...
Feel like I will never recover from my depression to be honest- my family are starting to give up on me and my friends don't cre anyways. Everyone is starting to leave me and I feel worse than I already did before.
Life jut keeps on getting more and more horrid for me. I can't take much more, I'm literally at my breaking point. Feel like I'm having some sort of mental breakdown it's not fair anymore.
Why am I the one the suffering and hurting the most? :( :(

Struggling to sleep properly as these "suicidal" thoughts are in my head and urges to hurt myself are there too.

Posts: 264
Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:04 am

Postby fallen » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:55 pm

if you are feeling really bad the best thing to do , which i have done my self, is to ring a crisis ,lifeline in the u.k.
they are trained and 24 hours a day, i have found them caring and it is good to talk in a physical sense .
the feeling of your mind crashing in on it self is unpleasant but it does ease.
i find for me a walk in nature helps.
getting out and looking at the bigger picture , the horizon puts things into perspective.
keep on posting as we do all care on here, and you are important.
take care


Postby CrazyLady17 » Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:59 am

Thank you.

Well I managed to get myself back to sleep thank goodness!
But then woke up this morning feeling the same "suicidal" thoughts are in my head playin with my mind already today. Woke up crying and screaming...
With me though when I feel like this I for want to move out of bed nevermind go out anywhere :(

So today is staying in bed for me and crying.
I've given up.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:55 am

Given up.
I can't fight anymore....
I just feel so weak, feel so hopeless an powerless.
I can't do it anymore- depression has won.

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