Concerning Peep212

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Postby Steph82 » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:50 pm

In memory of peeps I would like to share some things he said to me.
I felt very close to Bruce. He was my mentor, My friend. In times of crisis he was the one person who could help me feel better when i was afraid or depressed. I was always excited to see him in the room and would take so much of his time. He understood everyone so well. Any time I was feeling down I would wait and wait until he was on so I could talk to him and ask him for guidance.
Some quotes from Peeps:
<PeepLuvsHollyPM> its not for me, but i dont judge anyone for ther preferences
<PeepLuvsHollyPM> shrug..all are people to me

<PeepLuvsHollyPM> i ws raised color blind, and i extend that to religions and sexual preferences

<PeepLuvsHollyPM> ok...first, rem peep's rule : TCOSF take care of self first

<PeepLuvsHollyPM> and blue is such a member of our family here... a god one.. and when family is in need, i act on it
<PeepLuvsHollyPM> i hae been known to call long distance to police to get someone help the yneed ... its odd..but i have done it many times
<PeepLuvsHollyPM> i DO care..thatis so.. and it matters not if i liek a person or not.. when a medical emergency hits, i start barking oreders like a marine dril ldergeant.. .. this is a little less adrenaline-filled, but i takeit the same way..very seriously

<PeepLuvsHollyPM> it ok is family.. and sis.. its whtwe are al lhere to is m yown firm belief tah twe are on this earth to help each other g3et back home...this is part of the journey

<PeepLuvsHollyPM> long as you arent ashame to play i nthe sand on a beach, as long as you find no wrong in swinging on a swingset, so olong as you can play silly games and l;augh.. you wil lnver grow old

When I talked to Bruce that I was going to my grandfathers funeral, he was very candid. His humor kept me going. I would like to share what he said to me:
(I hope it doesn't sound inappropriate, after all, it is his words not mine)

<PeepLuvsHolly> i am an organ dponor..when i am dne wit hthis shell, the ycan eat me for al li care
<Steph27> eww
<Steph27> make sure you ear tons and tons of chocolate first
<Steph27> in fact, i want the COD to be chocolate overdose
<Steph27> and even then... eww.
<PeepLuvsHolly> hehe.. i wan to be blown up
<PeepLuvsHolly> after death mindyou
<Steph27> ya, after
<PeepLuvsHolly> seriously.. i hope they put me on one of theose targeted ships the navy keeps aropund and blow my body up...gie it back to hte earth as it wre
<Steph27> but ok, ya. I know i feel emotionless about it. it's kind of strange, people tell me "sorry" and i am like, "for what?"
<Steph27> it's like, am I in denial? but it's always like that
<PeepLuvsHolly> shrug..the irish used to have party and dance woith the bopdy before burial..the yreally whooped it up
<Steph27> ooh sounds like my kind.

I think for Bruce, he would want us not to be sad. To party and dance in memory of him. He loves to joke and laugh. Maybe his humor was off sometimes but he always managed to cheer people up. Jokes and laughter and sticking together as his Family is the best thing we can do to remember him.

I write these things in the loving memory of our friend. our dear brother to most, fater the others, sister to some, and child to us all, Peep.


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Postby Mystified » Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:50 am

I am so sorry for your loss (((Holly))). Peep was a good, funny man and inside this chatroom I considered him family. I will miss him dearly. If you ever have to talk, you need not ask me to PM, just send one over and I will be there for you. (((Holly)))

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his name was bruce...

Postby dave327 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:31 am

((((((holly))))) heh probably tired of these but just felt like i needed to add to the pile of hugs and love thats going to you. He'll always be peep to me cause when i first met him and all of you guys i felt like we all were a family and he felt like a brother to me. :cry: sigh ill miss him its not going to be the same with out him (((((peep... burce)))) wherever you are. i think we all agree that man was special in his own ways having the unique talent of making us feel better in his own way. i remember people would come to the chat room and call him holly and he would shout PEEP!!! he was special to you holly and he showed it by his name and how he cared for all of us the way he would have cared for you. his heart was in the right place looking out for everyone. i often wondered if you two were in pms alot cause his named said it all... ((((((((holly and bruce aka peepluvsholly))))))))

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Postby Dark0NI » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:10 am

I'm not sure what to say... I always respected Peep.. I wish the best for you Hollyann.

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Postby Obayan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:03 am

These are some poems that Mandy wrote for Bruce. I'm posting them for her.


Thankyou for being there for me when I needed you
Thankyou for being there through the good times and the bad
Thankyou for being there and encouraging me to do what is right
Thankyou for catching me before I fell down
Thankyou for helping me wipe away the tears when I was crying
Thankyou for cheering me up and making me laugh
Thankyou for the great times
Thankyou for loving me
Thankyou for opening up your heart for me
But most of all thankyou for being you

I Love u Dad and I always will
You show me a light when I cannot see it anymore
And you guide me to a safe place

My Father

You are my hero, Dad
You’re my secure foundation
When I think of you, I’m filled with love
And strong appreciation

You make me feel protected
I’m sheltered by your care
Your always my true friend
When I need you, your always there

You have a place of honour
Deep within my heart
You’ve been my superhero
From the first day I spoke to you

I love u Dad and I want you to know
That my love for you goes where ever I go
Whenever I have problems you’re always there to assist

I’m so glad to be able to call you my father
You are one in a million
When it comes to first class fathers
You’re the absolute cream of the crop

Your like the sun to me
A sure thing always there
Beaming warmth and light on my life

If everyone had a father
That was like you
There would be more laughing, joy, singing
Fewer people would be blue

Thankyou for being the father I always dreamt of
I love you with all my heart.

Love u always dad.
Love your princess.


You came to me in such a time of need
You opened your heart and your arms for me
You showed me what a father should be like
You have taught me so much in such little time
You believed in me
You encourage me to keep going when times were so hard
You loved me from the start
You have encouraged me when I have not wanted to go on
You are always there to make me smile, with you cheekiness
You made me feel loved
You showed me respect and understanding
You sympathised with me and what I have been through
You taught me some of the most valuable things I have been taught
You have shown me a love I never had

Thankyou Dad
I love you


I’m just sitting here and thinking about what u mean to me
Remembering all the things you have done for me
You’ve been there from the day I met you
Knowing what to say to keep me from falling apart
Taking everything that comes your way wether good or bad
Even though your not biologically my father you will always be my Daddy
I cant count high enough for all the times you have helped me
When I need encouragement your always there to give it
When I have a problem your have the best advice to fix it
I could sit here and say thankyou until I die and it would not be enough
I could only wish we were closer
But no matter how far apart we are
You are my Dad
And I will love you unconditionally
From now until an eternity

Love u Dad
Love Mandy

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:44 am

((((((((((( Obayan ))))))))))))))

Thank you for posting. TY TY


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Postby enigma21 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:12 pm


I am so sorry for your loss, you have my deepest condolences. Bruce was truely a good person, funny, caring and thoughtful. The short time I knew him I grew to love him very much as a friend.

My thoughts are with you and both yours and Bruce's family, he will be dearly missed but never forgotten. Living on in our memory and our hearts until the end of time.

Anything we can do to help u thru this time jus call on us, we are right here. I'm so glad the time you spent together was filled with happiness.

Bruce, may the Lord rest your warm soul in heavenly peace.

Love and prayers to you and the family,

Enigma and baby moo moo x

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Postby Obayan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:48 pm

Posting this for MetaLarsillica as she can't get it to work to post it herself....

First and for most, I would like to send my condolances to all that have been touched by the passing of Bruce. Sometime last year I came to the chat room for my very first time and peeps was one of many that welcomed me with open arms. Since then I was able to form a true friendship with Bruce. He spent many nights chatting with me and making me feel better about things. Sometimes he was able to calm me down when I desperatley needed some understanding and wisdom. Bruce was one of the few that helped convience me I was important and I needed to TCOSF. He truly saved my life. Bruce was a special man and most knew that.

Holly and Brandon,

I am sorry that this pain has become your cross to bear. I truly hope that through all this you will become stronger. I can't imagine the pain you are going through. I am here for you anytime you need. I offer all of my condolances to you and Brandon. I dare not say I can begin to relate to your loss, however I can relate to needing someone to help bear that pain with you.

I will leave everyone with this, as he is now in us all.

Serenity : GodSmack
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes
I take another deep breath
And feel the wind pass through my body
I'm the one in your soul
Reflecting the light
Protect the ones who hold you
Cradling your inner child

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Postby soke » Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:45 am

((((((Holly))))))) I am so deeply sorry for your loss, I wish I could put something into words to make it all better. My condolences. *Hugs*

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Postby Mich » Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:45 am

(((((Holly))))) My deepest sympathy to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


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Postby SOUP » Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:56 pm

I´m still in a bit of shock, Peep was so loved on this site, it was so hard not to like him. When I was told of this news by you Holly, I could almost feel your emotions through the screen. Please know that like everyone else I am here for you, and am DEEPLY saddened by this loss. You will be in my prayers.


Wish I could give you a real one.

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:40 am

(((( hollyann )))), I'm sorry to say that I didn't really know Peep212, other than the fact that he was a moderator on this site, and therefore one of the people who help keep this site going. Although, that in my view is no small thing, and he has my gratitude for that, as this site has come to mean a lot to me.
I've read your posts in the forums and they have often helped me, ( I'm not really a " chatroom person ", they tend to move a bit fast for me! :oops: :? ), so I just wanted to say that I am sorry for your and your son's loss.

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Postby pickle » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:34 pm

I can not imagine how heavy your heart is. i have not known you long, nor peep, but i was always reassured by the presence of both of you in the room. I have so much love in my heart for the people here and having even one leave, just breaks it into pieces. I am particularly at a loss, given the compassion and strength that he held here for all of us. I know he will be reborn into another amazing being, having learned and given so much in this lifetime. I continue to hold you in my heart and in my meditation practice.

With my deepest sympathy.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:23 am

(((((((((((((((((( Holly )))))))))))))))))

Just thought I would send a special hug to you, a just cause one. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers, will talk soon, again.

Love to you and Brandon


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Postby hollyann » Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:37 pm

Hugs all. Thank you all for your kind words about Bruce. Your thoughts and your condolences. They mean a lot to me and his family. And thanks for helping me through all this.


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