Why do I have to feel like this

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Why do I have to feel like this

Postby Rabidspam » Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:10 pm

How can I deal with these thoughts
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Postby aim » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:43 pm

((((Rabidspam)))) What thoughts? Maybe with more information inside your thoughts, we can help you. Did you see the doctor? If so, how did it go?

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Postby shatteredhopes » Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:14 pm

I don't know what sort of thoughts you are talking about....but I have a few suggestions based on my experiences...

First, try "thought stopping"...make a list of fantasies, good memories, kind things people have said about you or to you, etc. all the good and wonderful things you think of that do not in any way involve or lead to thoughts of what you are trying to block out or stop thinking about...as many as you think of or just one perfect thought...like standing under a gentle waterfall in beautiful place in the rainforest or looking over a moutainside covered in beautiful wildflowers or gentle snowfall under twinkling stars and street lights...whatever works for you...conjuring up peace or good feelings for positive reinforcement. Then when you think of the thing you are trying to stop thinking about, yell STOP STOP STOP or yell Stop and snap a rubber band on your wrist and drive away the thought by pulling in a thought from your list and concentrating on it...this is hard to do at first but can be mastered with practice and gradually with the right positive reinforcement you will think of that "thing" less and less...

You need to also reinforce yourself with positive self-esteem building and good thoughts (I do anyway)...list your accomplishments each day whether something like taking a shower (which in itself can be a huge thing for depressives) or doing the laundry or successfully working or whatever, plus any good things from your day, like enjoying a cup of cocoa...keep a journal or at the end of the day pat yourself on the back for things big or small...

For over a year I heard voices and no medicine or therapy stopped them. Gradually I learned how to subdue them myself...I no longer engaged them, defied them like a lion tamer with a whip snapping back at them, and then learned to ignore them until they gradually went away....do not engage the thoughts and the stream of consciousness that follows with them, practice the thought stopping, defy the problemmatic thoughts...talk to them if you must...you are bad wrong and out of place...so I no longer will think of you...don't know if that applies or is appropriate, as I don't know what you are referring to, but hope it helps...

Wishing you peace and light in your day...

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:13 am

(((((((((((( Rabidspam ))))))))))))))))))))

They may not be able to make the thoughts 'go away' but they may/will help you control them. Many different things they can teach you to do to get your mind off of things, or medication to help you.

Your going to see a doctor is a good step. Please keep us posted on how things are going.

Take care


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Postby aim » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:11 pm

Agree with Jeanie that seeing a doctor is the first step in healing. Good luck... please let us all know how all is going - we care!

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