I Am A Freak

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I Am A Freak

Postby Meier » Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:24 pm

many hours ago in the main chat people were talking about BDD and gender confusion....and it triggered me...because i suffer from identity crisis and gender confusion and i looked at myself in the mirror and i felt horrible, i felt like a freak of nature, a monster then i cried and cried, i just wanted to kill myself and rip my skin off and smash all the mirrors...and i still feel this way......i feel like a monster....i donno why im posting this here but...its a vent away from the mainchat.....oh well......

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Postby crybaby1086 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 8:44 pm

Hey ((((Meier)))) You are not a Freak! You are who you are and no one has the right to say anything about that. Feel free to post away in here and vent all of your issues. Hopefully with some suport from us here on the forum and any outside help you may have you will soon come to terms with your self image. In the meantime do something nice for yourself to make you feel better. Love yourself!

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Postby xn728 » Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:00 pm

((((Meier)))) your not a freak at all ,your just someone on a journey trying to search
and discover who you are ,i bet your a good looking person ,look again
at yourself ,but look with your eyes not those of the demon within you
it makes you see yourself like this ,so it can destroy you from the inside out ,there see ,feel your face with your hands they will not lie to you or
trick you,they will feel the warth of your own skin and the person you are .
you will find yourself one day ,and then you will know who and what you
are ,and you will be at peace with yourself ,,,,,,,,,xn728

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:42 pm

Well, you are definitely not a monster. I've met a couple of actual monsters in my life, and once you've had that experience you learn the feel of being in their presence. And, I don't get that feeling from you.
Didn't Jesus Christ himself say somewhere in the Bible, ( I'm a Church of England agnostic, so I'm not sure where in the Bible, sorry! ) that " By their deeds, ye shall know them. "?
Certainly my own Father used to say that deeds were more important than words. So, what kind of deeds are yours? If you live, an honest, law-abiding life, trying to be kind rather than cruel, trying to do good rather than harm, ( As it seems from your posts that you do. ) then surely you are neither freak nor monster. Just a human being, maybe just as flawed, baffled and scared as the rest of us, BUT JUST AS VALUABLE TOO!
So, take care of yourself! Dr Leonard McCoy once said, in an infinite number of stars and planets and galaxies, across an infinity of time, there is only one of each of us. ( Or words to that effect. )
So, if there's only one of you, then surely isn't it at least possible that you are not a freak or a monster, but a wonder?

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