I Don't Understand

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I Don't Understand

Postby CitM » Mon May 23, 2016 4:01 pm

I remember a lot of things, but the way that I remember myself best, is as a guardian angel. I was the guardian angel of a little girl, sweet, beautiful, kind, loving, smart, etc. She loved flowers and bumble bees and butterflies and dragon flies and the smell of a field full of clover and the smell of freshly cut hay or grass. She loved trees and swinging, although she was a little scared of slides and she loved her mom and dad and sister most of all.

Did you know that guardian angels fight other guardian angels when one person is trying to hurt another? I remember that fight. I won the fight against the other guardian angel, but did not get to her in time.

The loss, the shame of failure was all encompassing.

Her father's angel took me to see God and as I stood in front of him, I accepted the responsibility for my failure and asked to take the child's place.
I was granted this. Maybe I suck at being human, and maybe I've been an awful replacement, but sometimes I've been very good too.

However, true to my heart, I do tend to be over protective of children. That's how I was made. So maybe you can understand the bond I have with children? Although I do my best to not interfere at all unless asked by a parent.

I don't understand why people think people, God's children, are garbage, that they are just animals (and animals by the way also are beings with souls.) Do you not know how hard many of the saints, angels, arc angels, God, God's Holy Family have worked and worked and suffered and tried to be good parents, sometimes by not permitting natural consequences and by permitting natural consequences.

I don't understand warring between beings 'just because.' I don't understand genocide at all. I don't understand slavery. That never ends well. All I know, is that this planet is a gift beyond measure to you and all beings that inhabit it. The life you have been given and live is a gift beyond anything that I could ever imagine. Consciousness, to wonder, to be able to think, to be able to love, to be able to cherish, to be able to experience, to be able to learn and remember!!!

I understand how dreadful a disease depression and anxiety can be, how they trap a spirit in chains and how dreadful many other diseases are. But more dreadful than this is the objectification of people and animals, the marginalization of an entire sex or sexual preference, the denial of even the possibility of life leaving a body and being reborn anew. And the purposeful activity of trying to get others to fall, fail, and suffer, especially yourselves.

Please hang in there and let your guardian angels and those that love you in times of deep stress and sadness.

The wonderous possibilities for life and adventures are many and open to mankind, as many as there are stars in the sky, the failures of technological species mercifully few, with the mechanisms being destruction, exploitation, greed, paranoia, madness, hording and death.

Dream good dreams for yourselves and your family. Remember people at their best and treat them that way and you will get the best performance from them and yourself.

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Postby 100footpole » Wed May 25, 2016 11:40 am


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