While we, as a people in the US, were distracted

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While we, as a people in the US, were distracted

Postby CitM » Fri May 15, 2015 1:46 pm

The increased building of prisons (and it is in public records) and decrease in funding for schools, especially universities and 2 year colleges should send a warning signal throughout the people of America.

Privatization of jails should be another serious warning sign. A private company cares about..... the bottom line. Profit. So what can a jail offer a company? Cheap labor.

It is possible that as privately owned jails increase, more people will be grabbed and jailed for the slightest infraction unless we turn this around. Other countries, countries like Mexico and South America know the horrors of forced labor in unsafe work conditions.

It was said they are praying at the borders for us in the US. Other than the obvious, I'm starting to see why. It really matters now how you take on problems in your neighborhood. Rioting will only put you in a jail, and if you're unlucky, a private one.

Not all private jails are like that. Some are very good. But there is really no oversight at this time as those who are convicted and jailed are stripped from their citizen's rights, even afterwards. It's a cycle of incarceration because of lack of access to jobs later.

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