Everyday.. (may trigger)

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Everyday.. (may trigger)

Postby Ih8Life » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:31 pm

Everyday i wake up knowing..Just another day of high school. All the shouts of homophobic slurs, hate, disdainful looks. No one cares about me.."Hey theres sean…lets get em to self harm again!"
..no one tries to help.

Maybe i could just slip away
..Just end it.. no one would notice.

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Postby Ih8Life » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:38 pm

No one helps me

so i don't think anyone here will

The only way out now is suicide…


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Postby PixieArmy » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:51 pm

Hello Ih8Life,

I am sorry you are feeling so so down. I don't believe suicide is ever the way out. But I can understand why you feel like that. I hope you find some support here.

Talk to us. Have you tried to talk to any teacher at school or a counselor?

Stay strong,


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Postby Ieris » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:01 pm

Hello Sean,

Sorry to hear about your ordeal.

Bullies are low life scum and pick on others just to make themselves feel superior, don't let them succeed. Learn to build a barrier and block out any verbal abuse those losers fire at you, their words mean nothing and they are nothing. I know it is easier said than done, why not try playing a song in your head when they insult you, try not to care about they say. Treat them like they don't exist, look right pass them and when they talk its just noise. Don't let yourself become a victim, become better than them. Don't let them get in the way of living your life.

Suicide is not a way out, if you aren't afraid to die then why are you afraid to face your bullies? If you die you won't have another chance but if you live you can keep on trying. Think about your family and those who care about you. Have you told them about your situation?

Don't give up on yourself, there is hope!



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Postby fallen » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:04 pm

i care and i would notice.
take care

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Postby Ih8Life » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:14 pm


It's also the physical leverage they obtain over me.

*I ignore them*

*I get punched and told "Hey bitch pay attention"*

Though i am fit, I'm quite timid and shy and have no intentions of getting into a physical or verbal fight.

Last time i attempted to retaliate against the bullies. I was hit in the back of the head with a cinder block. (I wasn't conscious to know) I was informed by a colleague, who spectated this happen.

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Postby Ieris » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:12 am

That is very horrible for anyone to experience. I'm a little confused, are you a pupil or a teacher?

I think certain people get picked on because others can smell your fear, they know you cant do anything about it. I understand that retaliating can make the situations worse but this is not something you should endure. I am not one to get into fights either but you should be able to defend yourself if you ever needed to. Maybe try taking up some classes to bulk up and build up your confidence. You are not a punchbag, and should not be made to feel unsafe in your environment. Can you move to another school? Do you have other options?


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Postby 4EverMe » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:19 am

Great advice given to you above, but now I think it's time to frickin notify the authorities- who will also notify the parents of the bullies. If those bullies, afterwards try to intimidate you again? Make it clear that their a**** are in "double jeopardy" if they even try.

Most, but not least? You need to reach inside yourself...find what makes you strong in your own skin, and then ask yourself this: Do I really wish to give those bullies (or other names I could think of) what they want?
Hmm. You may feel worn down, and stomped on. I don't blame YOU. But, buck up, and don't take jack **** from these people. Aren't you sick of it, by now?!!
So, something has got to give...and IT ISN'T YOUR VITALITY!!

PM me, if you wish.
Hugs :-)

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Postby Frame » Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:06 am

Sean deep inside, we all have at least one thing that we love to do, something we feel we are good at, something that we did at some time and the world smiled.

For a bizillion reasons these things can get buried; we grow and growing itself can get in the way. We find other things, maybe not so much fun that we trade, and that eclipsed our more natural joy. We have parents, teachers, classmates that tell us we're no good at it really; or that it won't get us any where; or that we have higher priorities.

I sense that right now, you need some joy in your life. It can make it easier to meet the world. And so I wonder, is there anything you can remember you used to do that brought you joy? Is there anything you tell us about, here in the safety of the forum, that has made you feel stronger in the past? If you don't feel comfortable writing about it, that's OK too.

But is there perhaps something within you, a strength you haven't connected to in a while?

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Postby fallen » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:32 pm

there has been a lot of advice, all good.
i was bullied by my parents, siblings, work, leisure time and neighbours.
i am not a small person so i could have easily beat them down, but then i would have been the aggressor.
in life we have to make choices to be strong , to be weak, this is up to you.
me, i turn the other cheek, i forgive them and walk away.
this is not being a coward this is strength .
i believe in you and your courage to live . stay strong and find that peaceful warrior inside you.
take care

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Postby lion2zion » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:22 am

What I do is approach life as if it was war. Learn martial arts and take Your rage out on an innocent bully :lol: .

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