Can't sleep at night (triggering material)

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Can't sleep at night (triggering material)

Postby CrazyLady17 » Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:53 pm

Can't sleep most nights, I lie in bed and I think and sometimes I overthink and that leads to bad bad thoughts in my head and this normally happens late at night as well. Crazy aye?
Tonight I've literally had to cry myself to sleep as I felt that low and felt that bad- but woke up having a panic attack after such a horrible nightmare and woke up crying too. Now I can't get back to sleep, and feel like crying myself back to sleep...
I really do hate these feelings and hate what depression does to you. :( :(

Anybody know how to sleep/get back to sleep after a nightmare or can't sleep at all as too much on the brain?


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:32 pm

Got woken up again!!
Woken up by a very bad and powerful nightmare about my friends death and woke up having a panic attack and crying my eyes out, now can't get back to sleep and now can't relax either.

Does anybody know how to relax?
I feel so anxious now.

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