worried about meds

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worried about meds

Postby smh » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:58 am

I've been on lexapro 10mgs for about three n half weeks now and one of my biggest fears is that even if the meds make me feel better that i'll realise that this person i am now is really the person i am and that the depression was just on top of that. i've been told that i feel down on myself and i see everything as a worse version of what it is cuz i'm depressed but what if i'm really just this dull, boring, pathetic person that people have no time for and isn't worth anyones time? that was one of my main fears when i was thinking about going on meds. and now i'm on them and as i get closer to maybe seeing some affects of them, i guess i'm worried again :( anyone feel like that?

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Postby shatteredhopes » Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:46 pm

I think its normal to feel down on ourselves when we are depressed. The meds, the right ones, can give you a little lift so things don't seem so bad and then enough of a lift to where you can work on things you may not like about yourself...depression often leaves us just stuck...the meds can be a little fuel to get you going.

Don't be so hard on yourself! You are suffering and hurting and deserve to comfort and nurture yourself. Get to enjoy your own company, and learn to appreciate the good things about yourself...what was suggested to me when I am down on myself is listing my accomplishments each day even something as simple as taking a shower which can be monumental when depressed...I also made a list of things I am proud of or people said kindly about me that I can look at or think about when I am down on myself. On my good days, I know I'm a reasonably decent person, not perfect, but worthwhile. When I am consumed by depression, I know that somewhere in my head but FEEL so worthless and like nothing and that I'm horrible.

Try not to worry about the meds...if this doesn't work for you others might and there are plenty on the market...if you get just a little boost, I think you will likely feel a bit better about yourself too, rather than worse.

Depression and low self-esteem often go hand in hand...but when you are feeling better, you will likely feel better about yourself, and those things you don't feel good about, you will be able to work on with that little boost.

Wishing you light and peace in your day...

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:32 pm

Yes, I have worried, too, but you know what?

I found that you can do whatever it is you put your mind to do.

You CAN CHANGE things about yourself that you don't like. However, it will take effort--hacking away at it every day, until you are where you want to be; pushing yourself more, digging deep, even when you feel like you don't have any thing left.


All in all, JUST DO YOUR BEST!

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Postby Jubee » Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:56 pm

I know exactly what your going through. I felt the same exact way before I went on prozac. It took about 1-1/2 months for me to feel normal. Granted there are still days that are bad, but maybe only one or two a month now instead of every day. It will work if ya just keep it up.
I still feel the same like maybe I'm just a boring, pathetic person that no one cares about....but I'm slowly seeing that is untrue. That people really do care, and starting to see myself in a whole new light. It may take some real time, as I've found out, but it "does" seem to work.
Hang in there bud, it only gets better! :)

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