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I am enough. So are you.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:04 pm
by Searching Freedom
Dear pain,
You showed me a way to happiness. The tough way. The cruel way. But, somehow, seeing it from a different perspective, the most colorful one. The most beautiful. I know that without you I couldn’t learn to find joy in the details I took for granted. In the stars, the moon, the clouds, the colors, the ocean, the lighting, the storm, the rainbow.

Dear loneliness,
I understand now. That being alone gives you strength. Gives you the chance to see yourself for what you are, without running away from your bleeding heart, your fears, your unhealed scars. Solitude teaches me that I need to face who I am everyday and learn to love everything that I hate about me.

Dear fear,
You took everything from me. My ability to move, my will to live, my ability to feel, my chance of thinking clear, my ability to keep on going. To keep fighting. You froze both my heart and body and you took me to a place so cold that I nearly died. You were my merciless teacher that taught me the hardest lesson: even in the darkest of times there is the smallest gleam of hope if you just open your eyes and find the courage to embrace it.

Dear sorrow,
With you, I’ve slept in my grave everyday. You showed me the deepest darkness one can comprehend. Where there is no beginning and no end. You painted the walls of my cage in a shade of black that drives you insane. Which is why now even during the hardest nights I can see a light.

Dear tears,
You made my eyes shine the most. I cried a wild and restless sea that forced me to swim until oblivion. I somehow drown in it every night only to rise from the dead every morning. With a smile on my face and shinning stars in my eyes.

Dear empy hole inside my chest,
You showed me how incomplete I am. You reminded me of the days I used to lose myself in everything as a distraction only to end up forgetting pieces of me I can never take back.

Dear dispair,
You taught me that the dazzling smiles always belong to the lips that once screamed for help to ears of those who can’t never hear. And there is such tragic beauty in that.

Dear hurt,
You reminded me every single day that I am still alive. Everyday I knew that I’m alive because it hurts.

Dear me, the one I was and the one I want to be,
You stood by my side as I should’ve stayed by yours. I failed both of you and the regret will haunt me forever. To the one I was- thank you. To the one I want to be- forgive me. The loyalty of you both made me understand that I am all I have and that is more than enough.

I am enough. And so are you.

Re: I am enough. So are you.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:10 pm
by xpellegrino12
<3 thank you

Re: I am enough. So are you.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:42 am
by CamGirl
Such a good read. Reminds me to be positive even on smaller things. Thank you as I appreciate more life than loneliness.

Re: I am enough. So are you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:25 am
by Pau
This made my day. Thank you so much.

Re: I am enough. So are you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:37 am
by Searching Freedom
Pau wrote:This made my day. Thank you so much.

I am so so glad it helped, even for a little bit. Take good care of yourself!