I'm sick of this help soon

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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I'm sick of this help soon

Postby MyOwnIsland » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:55 pm

I have suffered from depression, anxiety and emetophobia for too long and I'm trying to get help but nobody will listen and believe me. I told my mum, she got cross and talked to a counsellor who said its best to leave me how I am, I know I have people who love me and suicide is selfish, but what seems more selfish is people to expect me to be perfect and carry on. I keep failing and I'm isolated from all of my friends. This mood will never end I get panic attacks at bad times and if something small to upset me more than I am happens I burst into tears and can't stop. I don't feel like I'm taken seriously and I haven't told anyone but I hate leaving the house in case I encounter vomit or get a crying fit or panic attack. I'm sick of life and have a suicide plan. Recently I have made mistakes and people are getting cross I get called lazy even though I put my everything into life and nothing brings me comfort. I'm not smart and my grades have dropped and I do stupid things. All I want is someone to listen and give me advice. I don't feel taken seriously which makes it more likely I will give up and kill myself. I need somebody. I don't have anybody :(

MyOwnIsland- of depression and hate.

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Re: I'm sick of this help soon

Postby smitht72000 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:23 pm

I can relate to you regarding this. This was something I suffered with at a younger. I do know that with time things get better. I was able to take all the advice given me. I've attached a link to this with some advice. If you get time, please read it.

http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.or ... ional.aspx

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Re: I'm sick of this help soon

Postby EagerBeaver » Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:55 pm

I’m so sorry that you’ve been struggling with feelings of depression. I’m also concerned to know that you have a suicide plan. Please get some help right away -- tell someone who can assist you with how you are feeling. Would you like to consider talking to a trusted adult – someone like your youth leader or a relative – for counsel. It might help you. Also, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline operates toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just call 1-800-273-TALK. Their TTY number is 1-800-799-4TTY.

Don’t carry your burdens alone. I’m praying for you, and remember that your life is precious no matter what issues you’re facing. Write back soon! May God be with you.

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Re: I'm sick of this help soon

Postby MyOwnIsland » Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:10 am

smitht72000 wrote:Hello,
I can relate to you regarding this. This was something I suffered with at a younger. I do know that with time things get better. I was able to take all the advice given me. I've attached a link to this with some advice. If you get time, please read it.

http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.or ... ional.aspx

Thanks for your advice! The shortest things can be affective. I will read the link. I appreciate the reply!

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Re: I'm sick of this help soon

Postby MyOwnIsland » Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:13 am

EagerBeaver wrote:I’m so sorry that you’ve been struggling with feelings of depression. I’m also concerned to know that you have a suicide plan. Please get some help right away -- tell someone who can assist you with how you are feeling. Would you like to consider talking to a trusted adult – someone like your youth leader or a relative – for counsel. It might help you. Also, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline operates toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just call 1-800-273-TALK. Their TTY number is 1-800-799-4TTY.

Don’t carry your burdens alone. I’m praying for you, and remember that your life is precious no matter what issues you’re facing. Write back soon! May God be with you.

Thanks! I love your username. The only problem is I HAVE told people and they pass me by as attention seeking or just ignore what I say. I'm not sure how to tell them I'm serious... I appreciate the reply!

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Re: I'm sick of this help soon

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:22 am

I'm sorry you feel this way. I can understand why you feel upset and emotional all the time and that can be due to the number reasons.

I know you feel like no one understands you from what your suffering with but I can honestly say that there are people out there what will understand and have gone through the same issue as you.

I would say don't give up cuz of getting a bad reaction from people you thought were gonna be supportive. Take that into account and move forward by finding someone who is gonna be there for you when you need them. I think its just finding the right person including a doctor or counsellor.

Sometimes you have to go and accept the help being offered. However, it don't mean you have to stick to it if you feel it's not helping. You just need to find the right help for you so maybe seeing your doctor is the best idea right now and ask them for further support.

Please remember your not on your own and we understand how you feel.

Hope that helps X

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Re: I'm sick of this help soon

Postby dougsan » Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:45 pm

Concerning the exclamation of suicide, no one ever believed me either, save for a shrink I am currently seeing. My first suicide attempt was when I was 15. Tried again at 22. Tried again at 29. I was never hospitalized for mental illness and when I would try to talk about suicide it was always explained to me "... a search for attention does not infer a desire for suicide." Taking to the bottle and drugs kept me in a who cares state and put hurting myself on the back burner but brought a desire to hurt others to the fore. When this became too physical I found a shrink who dried me out and after many years of sobriety and fighting the need to do a lot of bad things (and failing often) I found my current shrink. He believes I have a strong desire (need?) to go to the step after life. We control me quite well with LOTS of medications. My journey has been long -- I'm 75 -- and sometimes rewarding. Hope you contact a suicide hotline and find a valuable person to chat with one on one.

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