Breakdown....or I'm not sure

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Breakdown....or I'm not sure

Postby Labelle » Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:49 pm

I haven't been feeling too well for almost 3 years. It started as I felt tired and then I started isolating myself, then I kept pushing myself and pushing myself and now I feel like a rubber band that wont go back to its original shape. My heart is beating fast all the time. I started having this anxiety feeling, then I felt guilty bc I was falling apart and about to get married.....I haven't felt like myself in a looooonnng time. I've been afraid to get help. I don't want to be locked in some psych ward but I feel like I need some help. I've been to a regular dr and a psychiatrist. I can rarely leave house. I cry alot bc I feel so sad and unable to get out of this hole. I've never been diagnosed withave any serious psychiatric disorder...just depression. I cant work or do hardly everything but have been trying...Im scared to get help but idk where to go and I don't wan to be overly medicated. I just want to get better:/ I'd prefer to do it at home also. I feel like I may have smg medical things wrong though since I've been running around like this for so long. I feel like if I let go my whole body is just going to collapse from exhaustion. What do you think is wrong with me and what can I expect in terms of treatment?

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Postby 100footpole » Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:42 pm

This is good:

I've been to a regular dr and a psychiatrist.

When did you go?

What did they say?

Did you tell them that " I can rarely leave house."?

This won't happen:

I don't want to be locked in some psych ward but I feel like I need some help.

Unless the Drs. are convinced that you are a threat to yourself or others. In your note you sound like you're hurting and anxious, with a lot going on in your life, but I didn't get a feeling that you were a danger.

Let us know what happens ...

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Postby Labelle » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:16 pm

I went last month......I've been feeling like this for 3 years, but I have been to scared to get help bc I don't know what's wrong with me. I haven't been completely honest with anyone about it, bc I don't know why I feel like this. I've been burying these feelings for awhile now. When I went to the psych Dr I told her I didn't want to cook diner didn't have energy, but what I meant was I feel so weak everyday, I oversleep/can't sleep, cant leave house rarely, I live in my head bc it feels less scary then being outside of it. I don't want to leave my life...but my level of functioning is really bad, that with the stress. My dr said i have agoraphobia and major depression with anxiety. I think I only see scratched the surface of what's really wrong tho:/ have no energy, I'm so weak....

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Postby 100footpole » Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:12 am

Hey Labelle :D ,

I found this movie and posted it on another thread: Black Dog.

I'm reposting the link because it might give you a better way to communicate with your Drs.

IMHO (and the movie's) you are not crazy, but you and I are different. I've thought about this a lot ... depression can help us be more authentic and creative than people without it, but it can also isolate us as you describe.

In the movie there is one scene where the guy is leaning against the door talking to his psych with the black dog in the background. Later there is a scene with the guy on the couch and the Dr. taking notes. I don't think I ever had a session with a couch ... but the notes are true.

I think the Drs. are trained not to presume up front, which is annoying because later on they do remind you of what you've said before, which is often not how you feel during a particular therapy session. That being said when you tell the Dr:

... what I meant was I feel so weak everyday, I oversleep/can't sleep, cant leave house rarely, I live in my head bc it feels less scary then being outside of it.

The initial sessions may be about establishing a context to work on that stuff, not about your childhood or your dreams, etc. That all comes later :roll: .

Do you think you can go back and try to explain again?

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Postby viuuiuvy » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:21 pm

Labelle wrote:I went last month......I've been feeling like this for 3 years, but I have been to scared to get help bc I don't know what's wrong with me. I haven't been completely honest with anyone about it, bc I don't know why I feel like this. I've been burying these feelings for awhile now. When I went to the psych Dr I told her I didn't want to cook diner didn't have energy, but what I meant was I feel so weak everyday, I oversleep/can't sleep, cant leave house rarely, I live in my head bc it feels less scary then being outside of it. I don't want to leave my life...but my level of functioning is really bad, that with the stress. My dr said i have agoraphobia and major depression with anxiety. I think I only see scratched the surface of what's really wrong tho:/ have no energy, I'm so weak....

If you feel weak & unable to do things, then it could be a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Try waking up early in the morning & eating a healthy breakfast with coffee & juice. Find the things that you like to do (such as reading comics or watching your favorite TV shows) & work on them. Working with things you like to do gives a sense of waking up in the morning. No energy? It's time to work on recovery & it takes awhile. Don't expect things to work out better immediately. Recovery takes time.


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