Feels like I'm on my own

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Feels like I'm on my own

Postby Faiith » Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:27 pm

Hey everyone! :) I'm fairly new to this website and am willing to help everyone as well as receive some help myself!

I will start out my little (or big lol) story by saying that the last 4 months have been an absolute nightmare for me. It all has just made my anxiety and depression so much worse. It all started in November, I was feeling pretty happy with how my life was until one day while I was shopping with my mom, I got this sudden severe nausea like I could throw up any minute. Since then it's stayed with me for all these months. I've been to emergency rooms, doctors, diagnostic testing, you name it. So far nothing has been found.

I've lost 50 pounds from not eating because the nausea is so bad and food tends to trigger it. The past two months I've started having terrible pain below my right rib that radiates to my back and is just very disabling and seems to be getting worse. I do however have more tests that I'm getting done so maybe I will be lucky. My GI doctor is thinking it could possibly be my gallbladder acting up. I remember going to the hospital a month ago for severe back and rib pain and having the ER doctor tell me it's just a spasm.

My doctors keep telling me they think it's all in my head. I mean I am completely aware that anxiety does cause physical symptoms but NO ONE believes I'm having real pain. My mom throws it off as it's nothing. I have another episode of pain last night and my brother is also coming down with some sort of cold. My mom acted so mean towards me because the cold I had has now infected my brother. I don't even know why someone would get mad at you for that, you can't control it.

But she helps and cares so much for my older brother, but for me she thinks it's all in my head. Everyday I'm so depressed because of how sick I am. Losing all this weight, not being able to eat, or do anything I find fun anymore because it's that bad. I've even had reoccuring panic attacks because I'm so scared to know what's wrong. If anything, I just need someone to tell me they believe me. Because no one seems to and it's almost like it's making me super angry but so sad at the same time. :cry:

Thank you to whomever read this long post. Just needed to get this out there.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:47 pm

Hi there Faiith. Welcome to the forums. I DO believe you and I'm really sorry for all of the horrible , scary things you've had to go through. Your not all alone now. I'm glad you found this place. I hope that you like it here.

I know how it feels to be really scared and basically on your own. This forum is full of good people that also understand what your going through so anytime you need to come here please do. We are happy to have you here with us.

Love and hugs to you

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