Needed to get my problems out

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Needed to get my problems out

Postby Chocoberry » Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:47 am

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:29 pm Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postDelete this postView IP address of poster

I just can't take it anymore. I live in a family with feuding parents, 3 younger siblings, and a grandmother who thinks she rules the house. I ask myself 'How can I live a life like this?' and I really don't know.

First, my mom, I don't relate to her at all, but that might just be my rebellious stage, I don't know. Nothing I do meets up to her standards. SHe doesn't understand the little things I do that are important. Competitions, recitals, concerts, she never attends them, and in the end she tells me I'm wasting my time, and that I should study insead. It hurts me so much for her to say this, because I truly love doing those things, and when I see other peoples' parent there with them, supporting them, cheering for them, hugging and saying how proud they are, it hurts me so badly. I stand there alone just watching them. My father is a smoking and gambling dad. He smokes in front of me and my siblings and spends most of his money gambling. I, as a daughter, has tried coutless times to stop him, but he doesn't. That also causes a bad relationship between my father and my grandmother on my mothers side.

I recently stormed out of the house. My grandmother had said that if I went with my father (just to do a little grocery shopping) I would be in trouble, and just don't come back. I don't understand her what the hell am I suppose to do? He was my flesh and blood, I can't treat him coldly even if he was the worst person on the earth. No matter what he still was my father. Finally I was never close to my siblings. My personality is completely different from theirs.

So now I have no one in the family I could go to, a mother who just might not care, a father who will probably leave soon, a grandmother who won't even talk to me, and siblings, who are too youg to understand the pain I'm in. It just hurts me badly. My siblings also has a closer relationship to my mom. They go out with her, play around. I tried to join in but I'm never comfortable. I feel like a stranger with them.That I'm juts the third wheel.

Thanks for reading my blabbering... :) I really appreiciate it

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Postby Stephen » Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:47 am

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:15 pm Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postDelete this postView IP address of poster

Hi Chocoberry... nice to meet you.

I'm sorry things are so stressful for you at the moment, and that you feel the way you do.

I'm glad you were able to express how you feel about things -- I do believe it helps to share with others.

I hope things improve for you soon. :)

This site is here if you'd like to come back and talk with us all some more. (If you follow the link at the top of this screen there is a chat room associated with this forum.)

Take care,


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