How do you deal with depression?

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby Froggy » Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:28 pm

I do recommend a good book...

or sometimes, if I can immerse myself in schoolwork, that's great. Just reading the textbook and understanding something that I didn't yesterday gives a sense of acheivement, that can dispel a down phrase for a few hours.

I think walking is good for you. Vitamin D from the sun is also supposed to help, and fresh air.
Everyone here seems to think that giving up and crying is a bad thing, but I think crying is a form of venting, and it does release chemicals to help. Something that tends to help me is writing down every single feeling you have in a depressive phrase, on a piece of paper, and then throwing it away without reading it over - reading it again and again can cause a sort of dwelling on bad feelings.

Music's also very influential in my life.

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Postby aim » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:35 pm

Great thoughts, Froggy!

I also agree that crying is extremely cleansing; it helps to get all of the bad stuff out of your body and mind. I cry all the time!

Seems that you have a pretty good grip on things to do to occupy your mind. Good for you! I'm a big reader myself. Love it - can't get enough of it!!

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oh god ,

Postby xn728 » Sun May 10, 2009 4:31 pm

sorry, im glad you can all find solice ,in your hobbies and things ,and like
a few said you,ve learnt to live with it ,i have no such peace ,the horrors
of my life are shown to me when i close my eyes ,i fear the next day coming so much ,i stay awake as long as possible so tommorrow never comes ,but it does ,over over over ,its my fault my depression made me do things when i was young ,that will haunt me forever ,i deserve to burn everyday ,so i live with it ,im glad you can cope truly ,i would suffer a day of your worst deppression if you could rest ,a while ,we are all special people ,reach out and i will catch your fall ,,,,xn728

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Postby aim » Sun May 10, 2009 8:37 pm

Hi Ken... I do hope you can learn to forgive yourself for anything you have done when you were younger. I know, I know, I don't know what it is that you have done, but please remember... you will never find any peace until you do forgive yourself. Why is it so easy to forgive others sometimes, but not ourselves?

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Postby dandelion » Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:59 am

How do i deal with depression? Usually i try to have positive thinking. when i feel down i always said to myself that i had gone through a lot in my life, and i always bounce back. And this is only one of those moment and i need and i will bounce back no matter what.

And if i failed this time, i always said to myself that i will need to try harder and make myself feel better even for a while, and cry always helps. Some people dont cry, but believe me, when you cry, you will feel much better.

Life is hard,and when you have depression, it is even harder. Its never too late for any of us to get away from depression. If you feel like you are lost in a dark tunnel, remember there is always light at the end of that tunnel, there is hope. walk through that light, if you broke your legs while you are trying to get there, use your knee, if it broke too, dont give up, you try to crawl to get to the light. I think thats life is, dont give up when everything is against you, held up you head up high and fight it.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
William James

Thank You

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:07 pm

((((((((((((((((( Dande ))))))))))))))))))

Thank you! And love the quote, thanks for sharing.


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Postby aim » Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:47 pm

Hey Dandelion... I have to agree about the crying part. I cry often, and most of the time when I do, I feel about a million times lighter!

Sounds like your attitude is very positive considering what you battle every day - good for you. I try to do the same thing... it often works, actually!

Thanks for sharing. :-)

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Postby Monty » Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:25 pm

Also agree about the crying part (we often agree, don't we Amy).

For too long I wasn't able to cry.
Now that I even cry at commercials it feels so wonderful.
Or when you hear beautiful music.
Movies (one of my favorites), Have some DVDs that I can count on.
So many on my cry list.

I actually am glad that I can sometimes cry. For too long I was in a drugged stupor where I couldn't feel anything.

Isn't there some medical thing, that says crying lets out toxins.

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