I feel ,...

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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I feel ,...

Postby pablos » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:42 am

I am not sure if its tiredness from a busy weekend and this being Morning at work. I exercise a lot over the weekend, maybe I over did it. But right now, I feel alone. I feel disconnected. I want someone to talk to. I feel isolated. I have so much to say, but not sure what to say. I feel overwhelmed, yet I don't want to move.
Perhaps I just need to let go, relax, breath deep, let what ever it is drain from my body and mind. Perhaps I just need to rest....


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Postby Obayan » Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:40 pm

Pablos, we are here and we are listening sweetie. Talk to us. You are not alone anymore. We care about you.

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Postby pablos » Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:06 pm

right now I just wanna cry. I feel overwhelmed with decisions, things that need my attention at home or in my life, what I need to do at work. I feel shakey. Arrogant people at work make assumptions and blame me without asking for clarications. I feel numb. Not sure what to do next, restless, unable to focus or concentrate. Confused.
My job is only a few blocks a way from a major freeway. While the noise it not loud, I am aware of this hum or "white noise" from the traffic on the freeway. Its a constant "ssssshhhhhh". Or like water running down a pipe. It feels like my body is resonating with the frequency of that sound and energy is flowing out of me at that same frequency. Its almost like I have a buzz on.

I feel tense, yet weak and tired. I wanna crawl in a hole. I wanna scream from the mountain top. I know,..., just breath........

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Postby Obayan » Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:45 pm

Get something small that you can carry in your pocket. A picture, a niknak, anything that holds meaning for you. When you start feeling like this, take it out and hold it in your hand. Concentrate on how it feels to touch it. Concentrate on how it looks. The lines, the colors. Think about what meaning that object has for you. It will help you to calm down. You can do exercises to gain concentration back again too. I would advise speaking to a counselor to get more in depth help hon.

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Postby Jaymn » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:58 am

Sorry to hear that you are going through that. I don't know if this will help but I use relaxation techniques and deep breathing to releave stress and anxiety.
I don't know what you are really going through but I had the same feeling after I over exercised a few months back. I had nothing to eat all day. The only thing I ate was breakfast. I started exercising during the evening and went all out. After I was done I felt really down, scared, depressed, and other feelings.
It got better after a few days. I made sure I got my meals on a regular schedule, and took it easy on the exercising. And tried to get 8 hours of sleep every night. It the feelings decreased after a few days.
Do you eat on a regular schedule and get good sleep at night? Maybe you could try that if you don't already AND see your doctor if you have to.
Well I hope this helps and I hope you start feeling better soon if not already.
Remember nothing lasts forever.

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:09 am

Good advice. :)

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Postby pablos » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:52 pm

I am doing better now. I have balanced my eating with my exercise. My problem came when I was exercising to the point I could not balance it with my eating. I also was eating some hidden sugars which only made me crave more, eat more and then felt like I needed to exercise more.
It was a viscious cycle. Balance intake and output and stay away from the poisons. Sugar for me is like alcohol for the alcoholic.

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Postby lisalou » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:29 pm

I feel... extremely unbalanced, tearful, low and terrified....frustrated with myself and frightened that there is no end to this depression. I feel exhausted from trying so many strategies to improve my mental health and still feeling this bad. I feel terrified about the future - worried about my relationship with my boyfriend,despondent over my ongoing physical illness and worried about whether to go back to work or not - I have finished the day hospital programme but am still very mentally unwell and dont feel remotely capable of doing my job.

I feel guilty writing loads of negative stuff that probably no-one should have to read but also really feel like i need to rant

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Postby pablos » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:51 pm


take some deep breaths. Breathe.
Its ok to say these things you have shared. This is the place to do it. Have no shame. We are here to listen.

Do you have a plan? Can you arrange for an after care program, support, resources, followup? These are all important. We all need a plan and some resources. We cannot be expected to do it alone. Come to this site often, find and develop resources for yourself. You can do it. You are worth it.


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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:40 pm

lisalou, it's ok hon. This is a safe place. This is what this place is for... to share and help eachother.

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Postby Jaymn » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:28 pm

Like they said lisalou this is the place to rant ALL out if you want to. People will listen and help. I just joined yesterday and already had some support/help. :) Sorry to hear you're going through all of that. We are all different but I think most of us have gone through some of the same things so your not alone. I hope you can do your best to come out of it. If you can use some of the suggested stuff in this thread and see your doctor if you can.

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Postby Obayan » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:31 pm

Good advice!

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Postby lisalou » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:10 pm

thanks for your replies pablos,jaymn and obayan. today I am feeling a little better but wiped-out from an emotional rollercoaster of a week. had a heavy-going discussion with my boyfriend the other night about our problems and our future and the fact i hardly ever see him any more which left me extremely tearful and panicky and unable to sleep. also went into the children's nursery where i used to work which is something that I have been worrying about for ages and having nightmares. They are still technically holding my job open - I have been away four months so far off sick and having hospital treatment,but have been really bad about keeping in touch with them,just too depressed to care or to be able to think about the future. I really don't know if or when I will be well enough to go back and it was an environment in which I was extremely stressed. The only two close friends I had there have left since I've been away. And I have been getting increasingly agoraphobic and anxious in social / busy / public situations. so it took a hell of a lot to go there and I was shaking and completely dissociating and felt like I was choking all morning and all the way there. It wasn't so bad though,everyone was really lovely to me (perhaps the boss had told everyone not to antagonise the crazy lady?!) and it was nice to see the kids again who have really grown up but sad that they have all forgotten me. they said that it doesnt matter when I come back and there's no pressure which is a relief. I'm just so proud that I went because it was so hard but i still have all my usual symptoms of extreme stress. anyway, i have managed to get out a bit this weekend and be a bit more positive and sociable so any good in life is something to hang on to!

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Postby Jaymn » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:28 pm

Thats good to hear you went back to your work! That is a start. Maybe you will eventually go back to work there. My therapist told me once that "if you get through something once, you know you can do it again." he was refering to bad situations & symptoms. Hope everything works out for you. Keep us updated if you want.

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