The 'other' emotions

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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The 'other' emotions

Postby AndreaCoe » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:53 pm

If i didnt bottle the 'other' emotions they would spill, and years of hate and pain would fall out, but time to time like a fizzy drink they spill out, with out my room and the walls that protect me from spilling my emotions outs side of them help me vent, when angrey i go inside my room and simply bite down on a pillow and cry. never cut myself EVER! Some times they spill out and my room isnt by to easy them back in, what do i do? well i cant do anything, with out my room i cant controll my emotions, they spill and im more likley to get untrouble or in a fight. This is what its like when the bottled emotions spill for me. Everytime i get screamed at by my wicked step dad i collect other emotion of crying and hurt. 'another one to add to my collection'

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Postby dandelion » Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:22 am

((((((((((( Andrea )))))))))))))

Im proud that you never consider self-harm as a solution. As i said in one of my post to you, writing down your feelings and emotions might help you to feel a bot better. You can have a daily journal to record on how you feel, it doesnt have to be everyday, just write when you feel like you cannot take it anymore or when you feel like it. Hope things will get better for you soon hun, theres always light at the end of a tunnel, the tunnel might be long and you need to walk thousand miles to get there...but remember, the light is still there waiting for you.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:43 am

(((((((((( AndreaCoe ))))))))))))))))))))

Writing your thoughts out, as Dandelion has suggested, is really a great help. Releasing some of the stress, emotions is a great thing to do.

Please consider talking with a school counselor or perhaps the minister at your church. Someone with training and that can help you with this situation in real life.

Continue writing here, we will support as best we can. Take care.


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