
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Blue Tear
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Postby Blue Tear » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:38 pm

What is the difference between humans and robots? Many people would answer that humans are far more intelligent since they continuously improve their knowledge. Most would answer that robots don't benefit from feelings.

But are feelings really a benefit to humans? Aren't they the cause of many tragedies through history? Love, hate, sadness, greed, jealousy, pride, happiness. Some might feel lucky for having these different feelings. They feel so alive having such emotions.

They might be right. Even sadness can have a positive impact on their lives. Sadness makes them feel the real value of the happy moments of their lives. Anger is the source of life. Happiness makes you feel that you are dreaming. Sadness makes you feel low in the dump. But anger makes you feel so alive..and so revengeful.

Are emotions that good? I am not sure. Many people are driven by their emotions. Some have even exceeded the limits, hurting themselves or others because of their emotions. I guess this is why some react to the series of tragedies by killing intentionally or unintentionally their emotions. By acting or thinking like robots, they are trying to protect themselves or their surroundings. As a result, the emotions reacts like the body to the continuous abuse. It stops feeling the pain, grief and sorrow anymore.

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Postby aim » Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:04 pm

Hey Blue Tear... very deep post that made me think!

I have to say that I am glad to feel things as deeply as I do. And yes... I am even grateful for the hard times because they make me appreciate the easy times even more. I know, I know, it's cliche, but I really do feel that way!

The problem with a robot, in my opinion? They are made of metal... they can't hug you, love you or kiss you... I'll take all of the bad feelings in the world knowing that I can hug, love and kiss another human being...

Great post!!! I hope others answer it too!

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Postby sweetabby » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:10 am

Emotions, in all its good and bad are what makes us human. Its what makes us experience life. You cannot enjoy what is good if you cannot feel what is bad.

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Postby Monty » Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:43 pm

Was so drugged, for so long, that I forgot how to feel anything. Just sat in a corner and drooled.

After having a medical procedure found that I (at 49) just what it was like to feel all of the emotions, at once.

Like fireworks going off in my head.

Definitely in agreement, that of course I am not too fond of the bad, that emotions are a wonderful thing that makes life worth living.

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robot life

Postby xn728 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:39 pm

hi monty ,
i can see the robot side ,i do the same things each day,sometimes they bore
me ,but non the less my daily routines are written before i finish the day im in ,this has saddened me now ,but it is reallity non the less,the visitor does have me ,and coming here has just proved it ,i dont think for myself any more ,any deviation from my set programming and i cant function or cope ,any outside pressure and i cant deal or figure it out in my mind ,no not my mind ,its not mine is it ,not mine ,i cant live without lithium ,thats not living its just moving around to look the part ,fitting in i used to be someone ,i thought i was someone now ,i do feel things but not much any more but as you said my state of mind is getting worse confustion reigns in me again ,,,,,,,,robot

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Postby Monty » Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:54 pm


Just thought that I would drop you a note before I headed off to bed.

I know the numbing effects of lithium quite well.

Was on it for close to 20 years. Every time they tried to stop it, I would go downhill fast. It is just over the past couple of years that I have been able to stop it.

It was the shaking that bothered me most.

Hope you slept well.

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monty my freind ,what have i done

Postby xn728 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:59 am

it seems ive turned into some sort of dictator ,these are not my words i see ,i feel i must stop this thing , ,i dont understand what i have become ,remember the good things i wrote ,the bad things i left ,i was just a puppet ,something else drives me now ,dear monty ,,,,ken

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Postby aim » Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:42 pm

Monty - are you on anything right now? Just curious... it must have been brutal to stop the Lithium, huh?

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