
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby lisalou » Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:44 am

I think i am going to have to stop seeing my counsellor. i really can't afford private therapy now i am working so few hours,i am basically giving her a quarter of my earnings which is crazy in itself. when i see the community mental health team hopefully they will be referring me on to something else anyway. more than that i find i just really really never want to go and feel awkward and hostile when i do,i have been seeing her nearly a year and i still can't tell her a lot of things, i don't think that trust is ever going to be there. i am so so beyond bored of everything i say being related to my mother. that's freudian therapists for you. problem is i know all this s***,i can happily tell anyone about feeling rejected from her and her being too depressed to take much of an interest in me. i have gone through it all and it doesn't change anything about how i feel in the here and now. i lied and told my counsellor i can't make the next session just cos i don't want to basically and if i still feel the same the week after next i think i will quit seeing her. i just don't know that it's being helpful and i can't afford to waste my time and money. i do go to a support group every friday which is really quiet so i usually get to have a one to one chat with one of the counsellors there anyway and it's a situation i feel more comfortable in. plus i get unlimited free tea and food!

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Postby Mich » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:57 am

Hi Lisa - If your therapist is not meeting your needs, then I don't blame you for wanting to stop. You can try your support group on its own for awhile and if that is not enough, you could always try to find another therapist that you connect with better. I worry that you will be getting enough support but I understand the whole cost/money thing. It is so expensive. Please though, if you feel you are slipping, try to find another therapist for one-on-one help. Your well being is so important. *hugs*

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Postby lisalou » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:50 pm

thank you for your concern mich. i am concerned about the lack of support too but i guess that's where the community mental health team come in and whatever they are going to provide me with,if anything..i hope they just won't send me away,a few years ago i was referred to psychiatric services and was told there was nothing they could do for me. i just simply can't afford private therapy though,can't afford anything,i only have £17 for the next two weeks at the moment ( about $32 u.s?)and i think that's the way it's gonna be in future. me and my boyfriend were just debating seriously whether we can continue to afford internet charges. and lose access to all you lovely people? nooooo!!! it's hard to say if i really have had enough of my therapist of if i'm just taking everything out on her but i think if i can't talk to her fully after nearly a year then i never will

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:45 pm

I see what your saying Lisa.... (((((Lisa)))))) I hope you'll be able to find something.... Gosh, really, I'm pretty speechless....

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Postby Mich » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:55 am

I really hope you can find a way to keep paying for internet. I would be so sad if you weren't here online. You are a wonderful friend and I want you to stay.

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not good news

Postby xn728 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:23 am

not happy about the internet being chopped lisa ,this is a big part of your support and i would not be happy to lose you ,if this were to happen ,please return as soon as possible ,you could always use the libray internet to let us know your ok ,if your a member its free,anyway hopefully it wont happen ,how far are you away from me ,mmmm,maybe we could run a cable what do you think to that ,,,lol,,,,,later ken

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Postby lisalou » Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:56 pm

never mind a cable, surely you northerners still use carrier pigeons? lol! well we are stuck with our broadband contract till about july anyway so i will be around for quite a while, hopefully by then i will be getting a lot more in benefits,i could claim for it as part of my Disabilty Living Allowance! and my addiction to biscuits. and i have three young cats to support! have just been putting all the photos of them as kittens into an album actually,quite a good task for distraction and have been getting all nostalgic about what tiny little bundles of fluff they were. they were born under our bed and were so tiny that each one fit in the palm of my hand.... aaah. proud parent moment...

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