
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby Nhilus13122 » Mon May 14, 2018 2:34 pm

I just wanted to share with everyone my perspective on dealing with depression and how it has affected my life. It has been a very long road to get where I am and although I feel there is no cure or one proven way to deal with these issues, knowing you're not alone and being able to see from different perspectives is a key factor in being able to accept and overcome certain steps along the way.

Let me start by saying I was never one to share my problems with anybody, and I still don't open up as much as i should with the people in my life. but I have accepted myself, for all the good and the bad, and for the most part, I have found my own way to dig myself out of the darkness that consumed my life. I would never take part in these forums or chats, rather I would look over the thoughts and stories of others who were fighting their own battles, taking on different perspectives to solve different problems, working through them one at a time. I found logic and wisdom in looking at things in different ways, and i hope that by sharing, other people reading might be able to help themselves in similar ways.

The following paragraph shows my thoughts at a critical point where I found acceptance in my depression and where it has taken me through many years.

Some wounds are always with us, since we are born. They are a part of us. They drive us and hinder us. Kind of a depressing thought in and of itself. like a piece of your soul that was missing since it's creation, and it longs to find it. You go through life searching for that piece of you, that purpose, a connection with something or someone that will go deeper than any friendship, any joy or passing fancy. A true piece of you that you've searched what feels like a lifetime for. But when you find it, you will know, and you will never remember a time that it was missing. It's a dark, terrible, yet beautiful thing. I know without it I could be a completely different person, and at times I wish i could be. Without this part of me that lingers in darkness, or rather a part of me that isn't there at all. A void that seems can never be filled. But I've come to accept it as who I am. For all the pain it causes, for all the confusion, the endless torment of its presence or lack thereof. It makes me who I am. it makes me think, of life, of love, of spirit. It makes you look at things in an entirely different light. It drives me to go on just as much as it makes me want to give up. It gives an understanding some people would not comprehend. It is a living breathing thing that takes on a life of its own without ever taking form. It is beautiful, with its endless complications yet brutal simplicity.

I still have a long way to go, as do we all. but accepting yourself and learning to deal with your darkness in your own way is key. After all, we are all special, and although no one may ever truly understand the deepest darkest corners of our minds and souls, that doesn't mean we are alone. It's what makes us beautiful, it's what makes us different, its what makes us strong in ways others could never be. And that is something truly inspiring.

Find your inspiration, find the beauty within the darkness, and find your light that will guide you on to greatness. Take it one step at a time, and accept yourself.

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Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:37 am

Re: Acceptance

Postby j2415 » Wed May 16, 2018 12:16 pm

Hi- How are you? I hope you are doing great.

“Find your inspiration, find the beauty within the darkness, and find your light that will guide you on to greatness. Take it one step at a time, and accept yourself.” This is beautiful, very well said.

I pray that you will continue to move forward every day and you will always find the beauty in the midst of difficulty. Take care, keep us posted. Thank you for sharing.

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Joined: Wed May 16, 2018 1:56 am

Re: Acceptance

Postby NewWestGuy76 » Wed May 16, 2018 10:40 pm


Thank you so much for sharing that. Words cannot express how much that means to me.

Posts: 143
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:04 am

Re: Acceptance

Postby CamGirl » Sat May 19, 2018 6:03 am

Nhilus13122 wrote:I just wanted to share with everyone my perspective on dealing with depression and how it has affected my life. It has been a very long road to get where I am and although I feel there is no cure or one proven way to deal with these issues, knowing you're not alone and being able to see from different perspectives is a key factor in being able to accept and overcome certain steps along the way.

Let me start by saying I was never one to share my problems with anybody, and I still don't open up as much as i should with the people in my life. but I have accepted myself, for all the good and the bad, and for the most part, I have found my own way to dig myself out of the darkness that consumed my life. I would never take part in these forums or chats, rather I would look over the thoughts and stories of others who were fighting their own battles, taking on different perspectives to solve different problems, working through them one at a time. I found logic and wisdom in looking at things in different ways, and i hope that by sharing, other people reading might be able to help themselves in similar ways.

The following paragraph shows my thoughts at a critical point where I found acceptance in my depression and where it has taken me through many years.

Some wounds are always with us, since we are born. They are a part of us. They drive us and hinder us. Kind of a depressing thought in and of itself. like a piece of your soul that was missing since it's creation, and it longs to find it. You go through life searching for that piece of you, that purpose, a connection with something or someone that will go deeper than any friendship, any joy or passing fancy. A true piece of you that you've searched what feels like a lifetime for. But when you find it, you will know, and you will never remember a time that it was missing. It's a dark, terrible, yet beautiful thing. I know without it I could be a completely different person, and at times I wish i could be. Without this part of me that lingers in darkness, or rather a part of me that isn't there at all. A void that seems can never be filled. But I've come to accept it as who I am. For all the pain it causes, for all the confusion, the endless torment of its presence or lack thereof. It makes me who I am. it makes me think, of life, of love, of spirit. It makes you look at things in an entirely different light. It drives me to go on just as much as it makes me want to give up. It gives an understanding some people would not comprehend. It is a living breathing thing that takes on a life of its own without ever taking form. It is beautiful, with its endless complications yet brutal simplicity.

I still have a long way to go, as do we all. but accepting yourself and learning to deal with your darkness in your own way is key. After all, we are all special, and although no one may ever truly understand the deepest darkest corners of our minds and souls, that doesn't mean we are alone. It's what makes us beautiful, it's what makes us different, its what makes us strong in ways others could never be. And that is something truly inspiring.

Find your inspiration, find the beauty within the darkness, and find your light that will guide you on to greatness. Take it one step at a time, and accept yourself.

Hi, I hope you are doing fine right now. Good that you've learned to accept and see the good things in every situation no matter how negative it is.

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