feel bad. study lonely cant concentrate

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feel bad. study lonely cant concentrate

Postby gisplimp » Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:04 pm

Im a student. And this is period i have a lot of tests but I can't study.
Im seat open the the stuff I need to learn. I really love my studies. I worked very hard in my life to be recieved to the facult.
But I can't concentrate . I seat start to read and something is missing. I feel badd lonely. I have friends but they all far or have a gf. We also do nothing. The life is so boreee..never had a serious gf.. And also not have any contact with any girls..i feel bad.
I meet a girl in my class few weeks ago i really liked her one they she stoped talk to me and i saw she return to her xboyfriend.
I cant stop think on her but i think the proble. Is because i hadn't any girl before..(i had 3 years ago it dosen't count - i also didnt liked her.)
Sometimes i just put some loud music but nothing. The one thing i really love this bad days is just drive with cigarete and sad music. My life is sucksss never felt that bad before. The more bad thing is icant really seat and study i feel like i want just throw all away and and start work get money (students cant work (engineering)full time study)excersice and find a girl or something until my life just will be fixed. But i cant just give up i worked hard for this studies..
I had a third test today and and the loneliness influence in my grade. Im so good at one something but just cant do it because i get a bad luck.
I really try but i cant that break me the sadness.
Sometines i have a lucky in other things so i think wow that impposible but that in things that im good at.. So it not totaly luck.
But even that things I feel really bad.
Cant finish this message no words can explain what i feel and see.
I got zero strength.No believe in hope.
I believe in nothing .
Sorry for the english. I dont have a good english yet.
I go to sleep for another boring day full of sadness and lonelyness.

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Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:26 pm

Postby 100footpole » Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:56 am

The grades don't matter. Lifetime learning matters.

What are you studying? What are the methods for acquiring new information?

Can you use these methods to work on your own happiness as well as your studies?

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:55 pm

Postby gisplimp » Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:03 pm

I think The grades actually matters. This is the thing that will bring me some hapiness. Im studying computer engineering. I get new information by self studying before the test because that is the end of the semester.
Yes I can do things that will make me more happy . If I leave the study and go on with some things i love to do i will be much more better. But in this time im furstrated. I think the problem is that i dont have any break. And when i got one i have nothing to do. No love no somthing to wait for..

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