More from the crazy factory

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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More from the crazy factory

Postby SilentWaters » Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:48 am

What is wrong with me? It's just a phone, easy to answer, easy to call. The person is nowhere near, they can't hurt me. So why is it that every time I put the bloody thing down I feel like crying? Personal calls, work calls... Regardless of the outcome of the call, I have a terrible dip in my mood after each one. And when the mood is so low already...

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:09 pm

Hey SilentWaters,
How are you doing? (with exception of the phone making you crazy)
I notice that regardless of the outcome of a phone call, your mood 'dips' down and you're not too happy. Why do you think this is? Have you ever heard devastating news over the phone? Just wondering why phone calls have such a negative affect on you--even when there's nothing particularly bad about a call. My stepdad hates the phone too. He doesn't like to take business OR personal calls. It's as though a ringing phone fills him with a sense of dread. I DO know that his suffering Panic Disorder contributes in a big way. If I were you, I'd grab pen/paper. (Humor me) Make a detailed list of things you think of and things you feel while you're on the phone and also immediately afterwards...Who knows? With some self-introspection, you might discover something you hadn't considered! If you can find the 'root' of the problem, you might be able to fix it. It may not happen overnight, but future peace beats no peace at all!

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Postby Frame » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:06 pm

Don't know how I missed this; the title I mean. The idea of crazy being a patentable easily mass produced product fits the model of both, what I think, capitalism is inadvertently trying to do to us and what they actually are succeeding in doing to us.

Put the phone down, step away from the technology mam, and nobody gets hurt. Well...maybe we'll need an anechoic chamber. I empathize with the mood swings (electronically amplified).

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:37 am

I forgot to mention that every time I see the title: More from the crazy factory, I have to laugh outloud. Great choice for titles, SilentWaters!

Speaking of technological frustrations, I'm having to log into this site repetitively! This, in addition to my phone blacking out on me? I guess all I can say is, "Grrrrr"...and more "Grrrr!"

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