Working out / Weightlifting

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Working out / Weightlifting

Postby Justin2 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:18 pm

Well, I have a routine that I do everyday, keeps me busy when I'm not at school or work. And its good for me and my body!

I usually just work out by myself, don't really need a spotter, I never over do anything, just push my limits a tad bit, but managable, nothing dangerous.

But for some reason, I had a complete stranger ask if I could spot him, it was fine with me, I didn't mind. But, after he finished, he followed me around, I thought it odd, so I asked why he was doing so. He replied that he thought that maybe we could be in a 'lifting group.'

"Sure." I didn't care, it'd be nice to have someone talk to I guess.

But, the dude was like, everytime I did something, he'd correct me, and tell me I did it completely wrong, and that I won't get any better if I continue that 'form, routine' etc. It made me pretty mad, so I told him I'd just do my own thing, and he goes off in my face! Starts cursing me out, and crap.

The manager comes out and pretty much kicks us both out, pointless, I didn't do anything to deserve it, but whatever. My main point is, I'd like to ask if any of you have work out regimen's and if so, what is it/what do you do? Maybe give tips for those wanting a good workout that is healthy and completely worth it? :D

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:58 pm

Let's see... I tend to walk.... ~lol~ I don't know if that's a wimpy "sport" or what, but that's what I do.... :D

I used to do yoga about a year ago & on & off in the last 5 yrs....

When I was a kid, I used to do modern dance....

As for weights... I only used free weights (dumbbells, ankle/wrist weights). I have a workout dowel/walking stick I used to take with me to fend off dogs, etc.

I am hoping to use my equipment more in the future than I do now!

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Postby Mel234 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:00 pm

My sister works at a gym and made me this workout plan that I can do in my dorm room. It's cool because it works almost every part of your body. It's more of body squats, jumping jacks, bicycle crunch, push ups. I don't necessarily keep up with the workout plan but it works for me. The next day I can definitely feel my body being sore.

I walk alot too, living on campus, walking is a everyday thing of course.

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