feeling low

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feeling low

Postby molly6 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:15 am

feeling really low today i have everything to look forward to holiday 2 great kids but i feel as if i am sinking lower and lower.I am seeing the nurse tomarrow but i can not face her having to put on a brave face and explain how i feel or should be feeling i am just too tired.I am also feeling very anxious meds dont seem to help i went out for a long walk but didnt help.

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Postby xn728 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:31 am

hello molly6 sorry your feeling down ,,tell the nurse the truth tommorrow
tell her your feelings ,and you may get some help and understanding ,
i know what its like haveing to show the kids that your ok ,but do it you will. mine are grown up now ,and they love me dearly ,,,,its a hard road my dear freind ,but if you like i,ll walk it with you for a while ,and pherhaps
carry some of your pain ,to make the burden a little lighter ,,,,
welcome to the forum .you will make many new freinds here and im sure
if you share some of your pain it will feel a little easier ,,this is a wonderful
kind and careing place and i hope you find what your looking for molly6.
again welcome ,feel the warmth of this forum around you ,welcome home
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hugs xn728xxx

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feeling low

Postby molly6 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:45 am

thank you for your kind words.I dont want to tell the nurse how i feel in case they dont let me go on holiday should i go on holiday i dont want to dissapoint my family they are looking forward to it

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Postby Mich » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:58 am

Molly6 - I am sorry you are feeling so low and that you don't feel you can share it with the nurse tomorrow. I also have kids and I know how hard it is to keep up a brave face for the family. Do you have a partner that you can talk to about how you are feeling? Where are you going on holiday? It is often difficult for me to face holidays but I usually find that they go much better than I expected. Is it possible you could feel some joy by going on this holiday? I wish you well and hope that the day gets better for you.

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feeling low

Postby molly6 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:03 am

i have a very supportive partner he is very caring but i dont like to worry him with how low i am feeling we are going to tunisia on holiday i am worried what if i carnt cope i love my children but it is hard to hide how i feel they are only young and need me.

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:02 pm

I'm not an expert on relationships by any means, and I don't have any experience of being a parent. But, as a man myself, I would want my, so-far hypothetical, wife to feel that she could confide in me rather than feeling that she had to hide her feelings.
Also, while your children certainly do need you, don't they also need you to be as well as possible? So, I would ask you not to feel guilty about giving a certain amount of your time and attention to your own health and wellbeing.
Following on from that, might it not be best to be honest with your nurse? Or, at least as honest as you feel comfortable with. I know that it's difficult, I found it very difficult, myself. But I can't help feeling that even the best medical professional can only help you on the basis of the information that they have.
Good luck on your holiday!

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:59 pm

That sounds like a good idea Tacking....

I am feeling just a tad low myself today..... I'm not sure what it is exactly. I will try to wash in a little bit to refresh myself & maybe go for a drive down the road....

My dad encouraged me to walk, since I told him I was feeling a bit down.... I walked, laughed, came home & still felt a bit low....

That's okay, though.... I think every thing will be alright.... ;)

Edit: I keep forgetting that my period has been seeming like it's trying to come, but I cannot really be sure....

End of Edit


Pretending to be okay hurt me far more than telling it to others, especially in the beginning. As time went on, I did try to keep it together or keep it to myself more....

Putting on a mask tired me out a bit. I still keep some things to myself, but if I really feel like I'm in crisis, I blurt it out quickly before it gets to be too bad. That's when I really go over the edge, which I don't want to do again.... (too scary)

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:30 pm


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