Toe Ring

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Hanging On
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Toe Ring

Postby Hanging On » Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:36 am

Not sure this is where this post belongs but anyways here it is.

After what seemed like an unending wave of bad days for me, my fourteen year old daughter came into the study where I hide myself most of the time and had a small box in her hand. She set it on the desk beside me and told me that she had gotten me a happy. A happy is what we always called the gifts that we gave one another when there was no occasion.

Well anyway I gave her a hug and a kiss and opened the little box. Inside was a very very small silver band with the word "Hope" inscribed on it. Naturally I told her straight up that I Loved it. Then she asked me if I knew why it was such a small band. I couldn't lie to her so I told her that I didn't.

That's when she told me that it was a toe ring and since I was always walking around the house barefooted that she wanted me to wear it, so that whenever I felt really bad and had trouble making it through another day that I could look down and see the reminder on my toe.

I hugged her again, this time with tears in my eyes. She found the toe it fit the best and put it on. I told her that I was never taking it off and you can be assured I'm not!!!

We all need hope in our lives. I wish for hope to be with each of you.

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it must have been nice

Postby xn728 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:51 am

thats so nice dave ,im really moved by this ,its seem i give ,but never recieve ,but its my job ,but how wonderful that must have felt ,,,ken
hope your ok my freind

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Postby Mich » Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:28 am

That must have really made your day! What a wonderful thing for her to do for you. Such a warm and caring girl.

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Postby dandelion » Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:22 am

(((((((((((((( HanginOn )))))))))))))))))))

I was touched by your story, you must have feel so proud of your daughter, she is such a sweetheart. I think, things like this is what makes us going on, just a thought, even if it is small things, it can make us feel happy and bring a spark of hope when the darkness are all around us. Im truly happy for you hanginOn =)


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Postby Monty » Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:12 am

We hear so many bad things about teenagers.

It is is probably a testement to the love that you have expressed to her over the years that she would do such a moving thing for you.

My daughter is like that and I know that one reason that I am on this planet is because of the love that she has shown, in spite of going through the rough times with her.

Your story brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am sure that she will grow up to be a woman which will have "compassion" as her middle name.

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hey dave

Postby xn728 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:01 pm

hey dave ,hope your not to bad ,your silence marks your absence ,your
a good freind of mine ,its been a while ,havent seen you out on the street
my freind ,know were i am ,all around all the time .if i never heard your
words again ,you would still remain my freind ,and i would still talk with you as i do now ,,,,,best wishes ken ,,,,,,

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