A Cry for Connection

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A Cry for Connection

Postby unknown.pao » Tue May 30, 2023 7:57 pm

Amidst my disorders, a dark and paralyzing generalized anxiety lurks. I can find myself surrounded by people, lost in the effects of my nine medications that attempt to contain my internal demons, but it doesn't mean I know how to relate to real individuals properly. Though physically present, I feel trapped in an unfathomable emotional isolation.

The harsh reality is that no one seems to care about my existence. No matter how much I try to open up, to seek genuine connections, I always encounter vacant gazes and deaf ears. My words dissipate into thin air, my gestures go unnoticed. I am a mere spectator on life's stage, excluded from the main plot.

Loneliness looms over me like an ominous shadow, enveloping every corner of my being. I struggle in uncertainty, unsure of how to escape this desolate abyss. Days become endless, nights agonizing. I desperately yearn to find meaning, a connection that breaks the chains of my isolation.

A silent cry emanates from my soul, a gut-wrenching plea for liberation. I want to stop feeling so alone, to be seen and valued. I long to find my place in this world, to be loved by those around me. But amidst this crushing hopelessness, the answer to how to attain it eludes me, lost in a sea of darkness.

I implore, with all my heart, for guidance, for a spark of hope to illuminate my path and rescue me from this desolation. Because I no longer know how much more of this overwhelming burden I can bear.

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