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I feel like my friends hate me

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:04 pm
by CloudyMary
I've been living with depression for some time, but just recently i noticed how diffrent i feel around my friends.
I'm an introvert, and I never had many friends, but a few years ago i found some people i really like and feel comfortable with. But now I changed and I feel like others too. Every time i see them talking without me or just laughing I assume they are gossiping about me. I started to feel more isolated and lonley. Sometimes i think that everyone would be happier without me.[/i][/i] Often I just can't find any topic during conversation and it ends because of me. Like there was a wall between me and others. Is there anyone who feels the same way?

Re: I feel like my friends hate me

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:06 pm
by Lauren79
Hey there! Yes, I can totally relate to this. Depression in and of itself is so isolating...emotionally, mentally and physically. I think it is common for those of us that suffer with depression to have these thoughts and feelings. When it finally got a little bit easier for me was when I decided to open up to a few of my closest friends about my condition and the extent to which it was controlling and affecting my life. Have you tried or considered sharing with some trusted friends? I also see a counselor weekly which helps me to work through some of the isolation. I hope you feel better soon, dear!

Re: I feel like my friends hate me

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:44 pm
by Willleon
:( hey, talk to your friends, force yourself if you have to. I didnt let my friends know how i was feeling and isolated myself. I now pushed them all away, and now i only have one friend i can talk to. Keeping it all inside led me to overdose on pills, im currently in the hospital for it. Don't be me. Im still not in the best state but i thought talking to other people about it might help. You dont have to, but im offering my experience on the subject. I dont know you and you dont know me but you went here to talk to someone about it and im here.

Re: I feel like my friends hate me

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:14 pm
by AMess
Sadly, I have to say my parents are mostly understanding, however the few friends I had left and finally had the courage to ask for help have taken it upon themselves to form their own judgements and havent heard from either of them in a long time.
Same thing with family which i hoped would be differant, but the fact is it scares them, embarrasses them and brings shame to them. I guess its a chance you have to take. Hopefully you have better support.

Re: I feel like my friends hate me

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 3:25 pm
by j2415
I’m sorry to hear this. I have a friend in my church. Her son is introvert, has difficulty making friends and he tends to isolate himself. There is a lifegroup for youth in my church and since he started attending, it helps him not to be isolated and less lonely. He is looking forward every Friday to meet his new friends.

I hope you can also connect with your church for some lifegroups available. Sorry to hear about your friends, I hope you will stay strong. You are in my prayer. God bless.

Re: I feel like my friends hate me

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:37 pm
by ruby32
I'm glad you're on here. Turning to a group like this who really understands can be the best thing for you. But honestly, I get it. I know how that feels. But if they are truly friends, I think if you told them how you're feeling and explained the depression side of it, you might get a totally different reaction than you might expect. I decided to open up to ladies in my Bible study and it took a lot but I don't feel like I'm hiding. They had a lot of good insight. We're here for you, OP. But I do hope you can find a way to let the people around you love you.