How to get help

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How to get help

Postby beavis724365 » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:20 am

I am wondering how to go about getting my girlfriend the help she needs, she has been told before she has severe depression and I know she was on meds at some point in the past and when they ran out she thought she could go it without them and has for years. But now her life has taken a turn for the worst from a dealing with a broken marriage and everything that goes with that ,to being in a Huge financial hole that just seems to get deeper and deeper everyday and working and taking care of her two kids and elderly mother who just says things to make the situation worst. I have told her she needs to go and get checked out and she says that she has to get the kids saw after first and then she would get to it . I have called a local hospital and tried to get her an appointment but when the woman asked if she was Suicidal and I told her No she just sorta laughed it off as a joke and told me that if she did to bring her in and they would check her out . I can see her going down more and more everyday being distance from me and snapping at the kids for small things . to the stress of the bills , mother and work . I just don't know how to get her the help that she need and to get her to take that help ..

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Re: How to get help

Postby KimmyO » Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:04 pm

Hi there, I am so glad you are there for her! Too many have no one. Here is a number for great counseling for her, and, for you as you help her! 855-382-5433
What has helped many other than counseling which is very important, is taking magnesium and ginseng daily. They calm the mind body and spirit and get rid of sticky negative thoughts. They have helped so many with depression! Also, get her outside in any way you can. sit on grass, have a picnic, prep it all for her and surprise her so she won't fret over it. it helps so much! Also, B complex is great for energy and focus. Blessings to you all!

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Re: How to get help

Postby Jimdubu » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:58 pm

I am sorry you are going through this. Depression and Anxiety can take us to very dark places, And we start hating ourselves and fall deeper into despair. She doesn't hate you , she just doesn't like herself much right now and may be trying to push you away. If you love her she needs you now more then ever. If you feel she may harm herself then call 911 or The Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 She can also use the Crisis Text Line at 741741 and a trained professional will text her back. You need to guide her to the decision that she needs to see a professional. If you don't know any, the're is a great organization that can offer free counselling advise and can refer to professionals in your area they're number is 1-855-382-5433. They can probably help you ,by explaining how you can help her. Also I have included a link to an article about helping your spouse ( I know she is your girlfriend ) find help when they are suffering from depression Depression can be beat ,and you can get you love back, Its just going to be a bit of a fight. and lots of prayer. You will be in my prayers

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