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Need a depressed friend to support each other through tough times and recovery

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:56 am
by cofi94
I need a friend to share the pain with and to try fixing our depressions together...I've been depressed for 5 months now, I was very suicidal and therefore hospitalized in February for 6 weeks, which improved my condition a bit, but after that there hasn't been any improvement, but instead I usually feel worse again (especially my stomach problems), even though I have a psychiatrist who gives me medicine, and psychotherapist which I talk to once a week, and love and support from my family and friends (although few of them understand what I'm really going through)...I started feeling hopeless and suicidal again but then I found some good self-help books on the Internet, so I started reading them and will try the if anyone else has the similar situation, and would like to simultaneously try those, text me, I'd really appreciate working together, texting daily, keeping each other motivated and giving support to each other because I think it will be much more effective that way. :)

Re: Need a depressed friend to support each other through tough times and recovery

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 12:07 pm
by Dahhar Hussain
buddy,u can discuss problem here with me,i will bring ease,maybe

Re: Need a depressed friend to support each other through tough times and recovery

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:46 pm
by thephoenix

That sounds like a good idea.
I could use some motivation and support, and will do my best to return the favour. I only just posted here a few times so I hope it will help.

Re: Need a depressed friend to support each other through tough times and recovery

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:13 am
by littlestarsmum
I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles. Words seem inadequate to convey my care and concern for you. Depression is a very complex issue that deserves personal and in-depth attention. Are you seeing a therapist? In situation like yours, I believe there is no substitute for one-on-one interaction with a caring professional counselor. I just said a prayer for you, and I hope God will provide the comfort and help you need at this time. Remember that you deserve to feel better and you don’t need to carry your burdens alone. You can share your heart out and we’re here to support you. Stay strong. Sending prayers and wishing you well!

Re: Need a depressed friend to support each other through tough times and recovery

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:35 pm
by vega
Well, I'm only 14 years old, I'm currently on Zoloft but depression has been a big part of my life since childhood so honestly I'd love to try this with you! I enjoy being helpful and supportive, and having the favor returned. If its okay, I'd really like to do this.