I can't get out of bed or get motivated

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I can't get out of bed or get motivated

Postby Bellahampshire » Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:00 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm totally new to online forums and speaking about my depression but I figured speaking to someone even if that's through a computer screen is better than not talking at all right?
I've been suffering from depression for around 3 years now.
But this last year has been the worst.
I just can't get out of bed in the morning or anytime really, I've lost all motivation and all the love I had for my favourite things.
Can anyone else relate? And anybody have any helpful tips.
I've lost my job, lots of friends and I'm gaining so much weight :cry:
I feel like I live a double life because when I do have friends/boyfriend over I get dressed and pretend I've had a fun filled busy day and that I'm totally "normal" but in reality I've been sat alone in my flat all day. I feel so upset I've lef my life get like this. I'm so stuck.
Any helpful chat would be really appreciate

Thanks In advance
Bella :D

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Re: I can't get out of bed or get motivated

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:43 pm

Hi Bellahampshire, I saw you comment on another forum and just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forums.

I get completely where your coming from with your feelings and thoughts for depression. I've still been getting these feelings all the time eventhough I'm recovering for this.

I don't know what support you get but I found when I was with the mental health team for a couple of years it really helped build up my confidence to get out and do things I enjoy. With that kind of support I don't know if it will help you or not but I think as I gone through this so long I needed something like this long term. Maybe you do too. I don't know.

Alot of people on here can and will understand what depression is like. They can hopefully help with your on going situation.

If you asked me I would say something like the mental health team would benefit you. I can see it will make a difference for you.

Hope that helps and Good Luck.

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Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:17 pm

Re: I can't get out of bed or get motivated

Postby jones » Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:26 pm

Wow, you've pretty much described my reality for the last few years, except I don't have a boyfriend or friends. I don't know how to help you because I don't know how to help myself, but I will follow your thread to see if others have answers.

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