
Everyday life. How was your day?

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Postby Monty » Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:06 pm

I think that it is great that all of you are getting into the exercise thing.

That is actually something that my therapist and I (saw both therapist and psychiatrist within a half an hour of each other) discussed during our session yesterday.

Several years ago I was very ill. I got a dog and had to go out and walk her each day. At first I just went a block and by the end of the summer I got that I was walking 5 miles a day with her.

Maybe I should be back to that routine???????

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:51 am

Yes Monty! Maybe something like that might help!

I am back on the exercise wagon after falling off for some time. Now, I try to go at least every other day & the days I don't go that aren't break days, I try to water the plants (lifting buckets, etc.) in the yard or something.

I am also trying to foolproof it, too... so I have at least 3 people I can walk with now: my dad, 1 of my mentors & my cousin. Getting up early in the morning is becoming difficult, though, so I am walking in the afternoon.

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Postby Monty » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:03 pm

Wish that I still had my dog. She is in another province with her dad. She was the one that motivated me before to get going.

Now I live in the city and it isn't practical to get another dog.

Mind you I guess that I have different places to walk to now. There are some nice parks near mom's house.

Exercise sounds good.

Maybe I'll try to get out tomorrow. The temperature is supposed to get above freezing tomorrow so it won't be like trying to go out last week. Then exposed skin would freeze in 5 minutes.

Can put away my long underwear.

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Postby Mich » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:56 am

Exercise is so good for you....but it's hard to get going. I have a dog so I do walk her a few times a day but find that the walks are much shorter now that the temperatures are so cold. I hope the 2 of you are able to keep up your activity...it truly is supposed to be therapeutic.

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Postby DisposableSunshine » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:23 pm

Man, I need to do more exercise. I think I'm going to try and go for a run tomorrow morning before work. And then I need to go to work; I called in sick today. Must get into a routine, and do lots of exercise.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:36 pm

Hey DSunshine! Yes! Try to do what you can, how you can! ;)

I will say that I am having a problem getting up at like 4 or 5am to walk...

I am walking 2 miles but it has gotten a bit too easy for me.... Still, I am a bit winded, but my legs don't burn any more. :lol:

That's good but I'm trying to lose some of the jiggle on my legs & I want a less meaty calf, so my knee high boots fit a little less snugly.

& so.... perhaps after the interview.... I will.... ~drum roll~ start wearing my ankle weights & maybe my wrist weights. That should kick it up a notch.... ~lol~ I always look like I'm insane when I don ankle + wrist weights to walk.... :lol: But it sure can be a challenge!

Oh & when I say ankle & wrist weights, I do not use any thing weighing more than 1.5 lb for each foot/hand....

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Postby DisposableSunshine » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:10 pm

I went for a run a little earlier and I feel great. Think I did about 3 miles.

Good idea re: the ankle/wrist weights - not something I'd considered before but I may try.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:20 am

Good good!!! :D (Yay!)

I haven't gone walking in maybe about 2 or so days, since I just felt beat & it's been raining cats & dogs! I did wash 2 of the cars on Thursday....

I didn't go back to sleep yesterday, after I woke up around 1 am, took some Tylenol PM later on in the day, crashed for a bit, woke up & was not much use to myself. I managed to mop the bathroom floor & that was about it.

As for exercise results, I am noticing that... um... well... I seem to have 1 less stomach roll... (tire) :lol: I put on a tank top & was amazed at how much better it seemed to look on me.... :shock:

The roll is not as pronounced as it used to be... I am still the same weight (176 lbs or so) but the roll isn't as meaty; I can't grab too much fat/skin on the sides just under my boobs any more, which is GOOD! I am sort of wondering if it isn't just my eyes.... :lol:

I really wanted to lose another 50 to 80 lbs but for now, I would be glad with another 20 lbs or so; 30 would make me super ecstatic for now.

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Postby xn728 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:54 am

HEY ONIKA ,,oh my dear freind i must laugh lol ,,,the way you talk about things ,is so good ,,,im sure the tank top looks great ,,,and if your determined ,you will soon lose a little more ,,when your feeling up to it,,
keep up the good work onika ,,,glad theres a little less filling in the roll
,,,,,thanks for being you ,,,(((onika ))) hugs ken xxx

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:51 pm

~LOL~ Well, if it made you laugh, I'm glad I posted about it! :lol:

I am going to try to go for a walk in a bit (wearing my wrist & ankle weights).... Wish me luck! (I'm going to need it! :lol: )

Edit: I went & it wasn't that bad... It was close to a piece of cake, but I'll wait to see how I feel in the morning.... I walked at a moderate pace--a bit winded but not much. I didn't speed walk like I had been doing the last few times I walked....

I'm a bit amazed at how easy it is becoming.... I might have to start walking/running the stairs at home.... My sides (where the tires were/are) burned a bit, but still it wasn't all that intense....

Still, maybe it might hit me in the morning.... (Oh brother....)

Hum.... What to do? What to do? Maybe when I clear up my space properly, I may start using weights like I used to a while back... I would like back my arms.... especially some decent triceps to get rid of that after-wave... You know, the jiggle on the underside of your arms....

One thing at a time....

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:26 am

All right.... Walking with those ankle + wrist weights was a doozy!

Oh my word! :lol: I was beat & a tad sore. I actually took yesterday off from walking. I think I will try again today.... :D

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:02 pm

I didn't go walking today. I did a ton of laundry instead....

Edit: I forgot to say I am about size 12 now. It's a little exact, but 14 is slack. I used to be a size 18 & at one point my size 18 pants were too tight & I should have been wearing a 20. That's how far I've come.

I have to be careful I don't develop a body image issue. Even though I've come a good long way--I mean dropping about 8 dress sizes is no small feat--, 12 still feels huge & I still tend to think I'm bigger than I actually am.... :!:

Way back when I was in high school, I was an 8 or 7/8. That's really the smallest I ever recall being... But get this... I believe I started having to shop in the adult's section for that same 7/8 size when I was in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

On a different note, I understand why pants won't fit me, which is mainly my stomach + bum + thighs.... That's all right, though.... I have some DVDs that I think will just melt the fat pockets right off these bones. ;) :lol:

Basically, I had 2 major reasons I started exercising: being able to find clothes more easily (I guess) + health reasons (not wanting to end up too sick too soon) + well paranoia.... (In the event I need the fire department to rescue me, I will be "light" enough--& that really is a relative idea--that they won't drop me or need special equipment.)

Yes... I DO worry about stuff like that....

Edit #2: I walked again with the weights yesterday; this time I felt relatively okay. I wasn't beat in the morning either.
Last edited by crystalgaze on Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:08 pm

Oh yeah.... I just remembered I never explained HOW I walk.... It might be a bit interesting.

All right... When I go for a walk.... I go down the road.

It's WALK :arrow: FORAGE :arrow: MUNCH + WALK

Sometimes I carry a walking stick (or use ankle/wrist weights as you know)....

There is a tree that bears fruits that look like bite size green apples. It's called a jo jo tree here.... (I don't know the scientific name right this minute...) They are relatively sour or strangely sour-sweet.... :lol:

It's really pretty interesting to eat...

One day, the bikers who ride on the road around the same time we walk actually looked at us & it felt like I was caught red-handed doing something I shouldn't have been doing.... :lol:

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:41 am

I didn't go walking yesterday or the day b4, but I would like to try to go today....

I broke the noseholders on my glasses yesterday..... ~whistles~ I have no idea how it happened! One came off & the other is still on but has like a crack/tear in the middle of it like it will break into half soon!

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:14 am

It's been raining again....!!!! :cry: My cousin called me this morning, but he said he wasn't feeling well.... so I was a bit puzzled.... :lol:

I freaked out about my weight recently after going on the scale. (I regained weight, but I know why! :lol: All that macaroni from Antonio's + .... I needed to go to bathroom...)

What I saw is of note but it's minor. I will try to revamp my diet.... (One more time! ... <--- Daft Punk, you wit' me? :lol: )

I'm going to try to return to those alfalfa sprouts because good, bad or indifferent.... 1 serving is about 25 kcal. I can pretty much eat it & not worry. How do you like them apples?! I can burn that up with at least 30 minutes of moderate to fast paced cycling on my little indoor bike or whatever....

I don't think I posted this also, but one day I was about to eat a salad from a fastfood place. Then I looked at the little salad dressing packet & I was messed up at how caloric it was! (If I remember correctly, it was something like a honey mustard dressing that was 250 kcal.... :shock: I can eat 1 good serving of mango sorbet, without a sweat! 2 & still be alright....)

A while back, I remember saying that walking, even with weights, seemed to be too easy.... I'll have to do more I guess.... (other activities--indoor biking, running the stairs, weights as soon as I get organized, etc.) Maybe I might even try swimming--OR NOT; that's a bit of a stretch, even for me.... I'm a bit of a landlubber.... :lol:

****Oh yeah, & why is it that doctors weigh you with your clothes on & not in your skibbies? How accurate can that be??? (especially if I wear my baggy jeans, etc.!)

It's just a thought I had....

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