Aches And Pains: How Does Depression Affect Your Body?

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Aches And Pains: How Does Depression Affect Your Body?

Postby Inominatrix » Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:48 pm

Depression can manifest in different ways in our bodies, those 'mysterious' aches and pains that crop up and stay for a long time or even worse.

I noticed that my chest hurts and my arms generally feel numb at the onset of stressful moments, and the discomfort stays there indefinitely. A trip to the cardiologist showed that my heart is healthy, and that my chest and arm pains can be attributed to a form of arthritis. So I'm wondering, if it's arthritis, then why do my chest and arms hurt only when I also feel hurt?

Aside form those, I'm also prone to nightmares and for some reason, my body feels paralyzed. It's starting again right now. I have pins and needles along my left arm.

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Postby Emotional_77 » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:59 pm

Hmmm.. Well if you say you get those feelings when you are stressed it is probably from that. A tiny form of anxiety. When I get stressed, my chest hurts also but more like my heart and my head would race too. Never got tingling sensations though, but its different with every person. I'm not too sure about this Athritis diagnosis, perhaps get another doctors opinion?

Hope this helps.
*hugs you*

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Postby Katietron » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:44 pm

When I have a really bad period. "Low" I stop eating, I have no appetite whatsoever, the longest so far is I think three or four days, after that I just tell my mom and she makes me eat. She used to be chef 8)

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Postby Emotional_77 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:28 pm

katietron - i bet her food is delicious!! :P

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:07 pm

((((((((((((((((( Inominatrix )))))))))))))))))))))))))

This physical is scaring you, please see a doctor and keep complaining until they listen. What I do and amazingly I have found issues that has cause my physical pain.

Depression, well just know we are here to listen, read and support.

Warmie 8)

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