Job Fair Gone Wrong

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:36 pm

I tried. I think that's all I really wanted for myself--just to get out there and TRY. I didn't even think where I would end up really. Hhmm... sort of like leaves blowing in the wind; there's no certainty where they will rest in the end.

My godfather always used to say. "Nothing beats a failure but a try."

I found I have managed to push through because people I've met have tried to help me. I want to protect their names & operate in a way they will be proud. Those people have put their necks on the line for me. I just can't let them down; I DON'T want to let them down & I don't want to let myself down. They put their faith & trust in me. Of course, I know I'm not perfect, but really I am trying to put my best foot forward.

I'm doing it for me, but it helps that there are people who will acknowledge me, at least. I am grateful for that.

I cherish those people. There are about 4 people so far--in terms of people I just met (2 ladies, 2 men). 2 of them, I consider friends/mentors.

You see, growing up.... no one really ever stood with me or behind me & rooted for me. Yes, I had my mom & my dad, my grandfather (who died) and my aunt consistently.

It means the world to me; I will do what I can to protect it. I have been doing my best & I am glad with that.

As long as we try & keep at it, we can improve! Take care!

((((((((((((( lablover ))))))))))))))))

lablover wrote:Crystalglaze, I'm new here, but I'm impressed by the way you faced your fears and pushed yourself to do what you knew you needed to do. It sounds like it was hard for you and you did it anyway.

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:51 am

One of the latest things that is interesting to me is something dealing with temporary work.

I tried it out yesterday or so. It wasn't bad. There's a business here where you can submit your resume & if there are any jobs, you're called to see, if you can take the job.

I did one for four hours yesterday. It wasn't so bad, & I was paid. It's all good. It helps with obligations & boosts my mood/morale.

For every one who sees this: Why not see if there isn't a similar service available where you live?

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Postby xn728 » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:09 pm

im glad you enjoyed this (((((onika ))))),,there are places like this in england ,,,ive tryed a few some are good some are bad ,,but if you keep getting a little here and there ,,you may get something a little more permanent ,,put yourself forward flower ,,you will do great things i know
:D ,,,,hugs love ken (((Onika))),,,xxx

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:20 pm

Thanks Ken for being so supportive! ((((( Ken ))))))

Oh ya... I forgot to write that near the end of the month, I may be considered for temp work with a workshop. The term used was that I would be a "facilitator"; I'm not sure what that is exactly, but I will try to keep an open mind!

Yes, I think all the little things will add up to something big somehow!

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Postby lablover » Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:18 am

Good job, (((((Crystalglaze))))). And great idea to try the temporary services.

I don't know if you remember the old "earthdome" experiment. They were trying to allow a small community of people to live in an enclosed dome to see if they could recycle, grow and produce everything they needed within the dome, to see if they could be "self sustaining." I understand that the first time they tried the experiment they planted trees in the dome, important for fruit and to produce oxygen. The only thing is that in the controlled environment of the dome there were no winds. After a while they learned that some of the trees could just be pushed over, because without winds blowing against them they didn't produce a root system to hold them against those winds. We all need some winds in life, to train us to overcome.

I've heard that story many times, but I don't know if it's true. Still I do know that sometimes we need to try even when we're afraid of failure. I'm trying to overcome some fear myself right now. I've lifted a prayer for you today, I hope the winds you face will be just enough to make you stronger.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:16 pm

It's amazing that you posted this today. Thank you! I don't know how you knew what would happen today! Wow!

((((((((((( lablover )))))))))) Hugs to you! You can do it!

~gives you a gentle nudge~ You can do it! ;)

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:27 pm

I am trying to prepare for going into the office to fill out a formal application of employment....

I got an outfit to wear today, but I couldn't find a nice pair of cream shoes.

I have a pair of cream shoes already & a matching purse, but I feel it is TOO dressy.

I couldn't see myself going into the office to wear jeans, even if it is a pair of dressy jeans, & I couldn't see wearing any thing I have, as the outfits are too spiffy....

I've already handwashed & rinsed out the dress. I am hoping it dries tonight, so I can try it on with the shoes I think are TOO dressy to see how it looks.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:43 pm

It appears that the shoes I have are just fine. :lol:


    ---got my nails done... (Phew...)

    ---am trying to cool out, as I am a bit nervous....

    ---may take in an updated copy of my resume....

Really, I am a bit clueless, as to what to take with me... I've never done one of those before now... It's just an application, though... (I guess...)

~sigh~ Will try to knock 'em dead tomorrow. ;) Wish me luck now y'all....

Gotta iron my dress.... ~pant~ I am a little beat already & a tad hyped! Whoa!

Edit: Oh man! I forgot that I didn't read up on the company yet! (D'oh!)

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:26 pm

Okay... I have taken a break from the search...

I did check with personnel & I didn't really see anything for me... Deadlines are also too soon for me to do anything.

However, I think what I will start doing is just simply checking the site more often or going into the office....

I met someone yesterday who was in the grocery store & it was very encouraging to me... He's part of a fire brigade.... :D ~LOL~ It sounds like it might be an interesting job....

This is about my 3rd thought... I don't know if this is a sign to me or something... At 1 point I wanted to study fire science in school.... Another time I thought about being a fireman.... & now... I met someone briefly who is a part of a fire brigade....

Ah... I dah know... I would have to try to get information together about what to do.... Argh....

The other thing I thought about was that I might be the only woman onboard.... :shock: Yeck! :lol:

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:13 am

I forgot to give the update on this, but I got a letter from the one company saying I didn't get the job. I didn't really want to work there, so I was sorta glad.

When I get myself together some sort of way again, I'll most likely look again.

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:50 pm

Good luck sweetie whenever you are ready to look again.

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Postby pablos » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:05 pm

Looking for work sucks.

One thing I have found effective in a job search is do informational interviews. I have a resume ready, show it to people I know not to get or ask for a job, but to ask for feed back on the resume and ask what kinds of jobs they think I might qualify for. Then I ask if they have suggestions of 3 other people I might talk to who might have other information. I do the same with those three people, etc. Pretty soon I had a network of people who know my skills and background who can alert me if they know of an opening. It was scary and required a lot of energy, but it led me to job possibilities, and many more than in the adds. It was a lot of work and in some ways harder than work it self.

and Yeah, I had to take a break in all of this at times.

Just though I would share it.

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Postby Obayan » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:35 pm

Thank you so much for shareing this (((( pablos ))))

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:07 am

Okay.... Let's see.... I feel that I will be ready to get something done soon. Now, here's my plan. It sort of hit me in these last few couple of days.

I feel that my mood is consistently stable enough to get rolling confidently & not have to stop, due to feeling bad. That has been the biggest factor in refraining from doing anything.

Things are clearing themselves up now.

Since I think I will be able to kick butt & karate chop what comes my way (for the most part), I am going to do resumé boosting things (e.g. racking up different skills).

At 1st, I wasn't sure whether I should go to the places around here because I wasn't confident in how competent they would be or what I could really get from it. However, I won't know for certain, unless I go out there & REALLY TAKE A LOOK for myself. The other thing is that once I have a little exposure, I can always pick up things on my own, but it's important to have some piece of paper to show. You know.... Google is my friend.... Well.... Startpage & Ixquick I meant....

The only thing I'm going to do is run my plan by someone else.

I'll have to gather information & check the costs, but I'm thinking I will be able to manage. It's pretty much go in there, learn all I can learn, complete all I can & get certificates of completion or whatever, so I have something to show.

I'm not sure if I can build my interests or see what I like, if I don't expose/re-expose myself to different things, ya? ...

I'm not ready to go back to college full on or even part time, just yet. I think it's best to start off slowly. If/when I do grad school online, I will make sure to go to a university that has a brick & mortar place that I can see. I am a bit hesitant to go to a school that has doesn't have a real life place I can walk around in because then it strikes me as a diploma mill--& I definitely want to avoid those.

Once I rack up more skills & stuff to put on my resumé, then I will be more marketable/employable. If I particularly tackle a wide range of computer skills, I think I should be able to do the Master's degree I thought about doing a few years ago....

I'm just sorry I wasn't able to organize my head about this years ago. Better late than never, I guess??? :lol:

My chest is still killing me, giving me discomfort warnings, but that really doesn't bother me much. I would like to get rolling.... 'cause it's my life & I'll live it the way I want. ~shakes fist~

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Postby hollyann » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:01 am

Good for you. Sounds like a great plan.


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