And the point is what?

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And the point is what?

Postby Stephen » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:03 pm

I'm so sick of this life and all that it entails.

Pray tell, what is the point when I work as hard as I can and it appears to go nowhere and totally unnoticed?

Pray tell, what is the point when I try to be there for the people in my life and all I get in my life is nightly criticisms and a feeling that everything I do is wrong? (I won't even touch on the "online stuff".)

What the hell do people want from me? What the hell more can I offer and give?

I do my absolute best and all I get is this. I can't do it anymore... I can't keep being punished for things I haven't even done.

Changes are a must now.

I know this post makes no sense to anyone, but oh well -- I'm too depressed and fed up to give a damn about anything.

I'm sick of the daily abuse! I will not take anymore; I simply cannot do it anymore.

All people seemingly do is let you down!

I have to change many relationships I have in my life. As hard as I try (yes I repeat myself), it's not working for them, and it's far from sustainable for me.



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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:22 pm


Can understand that sick feeling.

Sure your work goes far.

Bet the situation you are speaking of will be corrected, you have shared these feelings with the people in your life and just know you will get it taken care of.

Changes are a must, as you said, and just feel that since you feel as you do, those changes will happen.

Take care of yourself Stephen.

Warmie 8)

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Postby Stephen » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:41 pm

All very true Jeanie.

Tomorrow will be a new dawn in my life -- the relationships I speak of will change. They simply have to, as I can't cope as they are.

From tomorrow -- I promise myself now -- things will be different, as I'm at breaking point. I have put up with so much, for so long.

I will extend some relationships and decrease my involvement in others. --

The ones I will shy away from (slightly), will be the almost torturous ones that have hurt me dearly for many many weeks now. And the ones I will embrace and try to encourage are those that seem to be more understanding. I guess though, it's not that they're "understanding", but that they are relationships in which I feel listened to.

There's only so many times you can tell a person something, and that they won't listen, that they simply don't believe you.

I'm done with being disbelieved. I'm moving on as a consequence... where the path leads, I know not. But it can only be to a place of more trust.

Last edited by Stephen on Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:53 pm

Good for you Stephen,

Here is to your "new dawn in your life". Yes that relationship needs to tossed out.

Know how it is to put up with that daily hurt. Glad you have all those that do understand you and listen to you. Good for you!!

Can't blame you for being done with disbelievers. I have felt/feel the same. Trust is an important issue in life and Truths are a must!! Changing my life as well, only path to take, only thing to do, at least in my situation.

Take care

Warmie 8)

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Postby Stephen » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:59 pm

I'm glad you understand ((((((((( Jeanie )))))))))

Talk soon and take care,


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Postby Stephen » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:27 pm

Sorry, I sounded selfish there (I'm not thinking too clearly) --

I wish you well in the path you also, by chance, are taking at this time.

Let's keep each other updated in our progress.

I'm sure we're here for each other... as we have been for a while now. I'm glad you're my friend.


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Postby ButterflyKisses » Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:31 pm


I'm don't know whats going on in your life that has you so upset, but rest assured the friends you have here, truely have your back! I'm sorry that you are so upset at the time you posted. I hope things are settling down now, but your passion for a "new dawn on life" remains.

Sometimes it takes a major event in our lives, to make us see that we need to make a change. It's sometimes painful, but usually it points us in the right direction for something better.

Keep faith my friend, you will make it through this trying time.


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