Diet for Disorganization/Unable to Face the World

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Diet for Disorganization/Unable to Face the World

Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:21 am

All right.... This is a bit joky, but I figured why not?

I find that I've been eating a whole lot differently lately, since my current disorganized streak & my struggle to get organized....

I've been

1. eating smaller meals + munching (snack) every other hour or every few hours
(I can usually divide a plate of food or Annie Chun rice bowl express into 2 servings. I don't bother with apples any more because even an apple seems like too much to eat in 1 sitting. :lol: Snacks often include a glass of juice/watered down juice, probiotic yogurt, stuff like that. )

2. eating more fresh/raw fruit
(Those pineapple chunks I had the other day were pretty good. I've been eating about 2 bananas per day now.)

3. eating more "leaves" (salad) & raw/steamed vegetables
(Alfalfa sprouts, fresh spinach leaves, muslin salad, etc.)

4. using paper plates, cups, bowls, utensils (so as to not add to my disorganization)

5. picking up microwaveable food (rice in particular) & other convenience items (like tuna in the packet)

6. tending to grab items I can just pick up & eat without a hassle or having to wash it
(again, that's tuna in the packet, bananas, betty lou bars, dark chocolate vanilla icecream dove bars as a junk food or comfort food, of course not eaten all the time)

7. getting my calories from liquids more... (so I'll drink juice or drink watered down juice if I worry about it) This item is especially important to me as it often helps me avoid constipation.

8. keeping a mostly empty fridge (tend to have more liquids in the fridge than any thing else; also helps cause I need to clean the fridge!)

9. curling up with a cup of tea (Some of my faves are mint tea or basil-mint tea with honey... Hot chocolate is probably doable, but I'd probably make mine with water.... )

10. keeping a tin of mango sorbet in the freezer as insurance (Reason for this is for when I have a bad sweet tooth! It's a lesser caloric evil.)

Strangely enough, I've actually lost a few lbs with this, especially since I've been more active cleaning & all.... :lol: ~LOL~ If there's any more, I will post it....

What has been getting me through is keeping it simple enough.

Please feel free to add...!

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:24 am

11. boiling eggs, instead of frying, scrambling, etc. (No utensils to dirty; nothing to soak)

12. soaking foody things in soap, water & clorox (or whatever else) to keep the trash longer to have a full bag

A. using odor blocking trash bags, but I find they don't work THAT well that I can just throw something in it that smells foody.

B. throwing food items outside or composting (e.g. banana peels.... The hens just love banana peels....) to keep the trash longer

13. Cooking with a timer (to multi-task, relax, or set & forget)

Yes I even boil my eggs with a timer! I use an electric stove but grew up with a gas stove... I'm STILL making the adjustment, even after the stove has been there for a few years now....

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:13 am

14. plugging up the hot pot more....

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Postby mk43 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:43 am

one thing: :::CANDY:::

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:00 pm

~LOL~ Yes, you can't have enough CANDY!!! :lol:

I do have a bag of bubble gum sitting in the fridge that I pull out every now & then & chew LIKE MAD!!!

There are some mints I have laying around some place.... Hhmm.... gotta find those mints....

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Postby lisalou » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:23 pm

God bless you crys for this food-themed thread,especially the mango sorbet bit, reminded me I have some Ben and Jerry's left in the freezer from a couple of weeks ago,yum!

P.s. Cookie dough flavour. double yum

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