They try to say it's an Anthill not a Mountain

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They try to say it's an Anthill not a Mountain

Postby Misty » Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:39 pm

OK so i've somewhat accepted being the way i am, it is still hard with the moods and anxiety though. Everyday life has a way of sneaking in little suprises i would rather not have. That, to me, is the worst part. Things may even out and just when you think you may just get through another day you find yourself wishing you were DEAD. Believe me, i've read enough about overgeneralizing situations but when you have others that are close to you adding in their "two cents" it makes for a horrible feeling. You love and trust and i know i can't expect them to treat me like royalty or anything, but the way i feel it seems they do it intentionally at times just to teach me a lesson. What i really need is to get used to expressing myself better without coming off as a nasty person. So i apologize in advance because i really need to practice getting my feelings in order and right now the only way is to post here.

Thank you to all my friends here that have been there for me and the real me is in here somewhere.

Oh, btw i ate all the box of chocolates. What's next?

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:30 am

Don't give up, please! Also, try not to feel too down about it. Think about what happened & find a way to counter it.

Tell them that they can go fly a kite. (That is nice enough.) Don't put up with people dumping on you & their crap! (It made me depressed!)

Here's an image for you. Imagine that when they upset you, you are able to pick them up & SLAM them, like in wrestling. Use every thing you have to SLAM them. Even if you can only slam 1 of them, you may feel satisfied about it.

If they're bothering you about your weight, for example, tell them to go fix their teeth. Find whatever is a weakness & use it. Hit them where it hurts; don't spare them because they are NOT sparing you. If kindness is given, kindness is received; if cruelty is given, THROW IT BACK AT THEM TENFOLD. They will stop after you retaliate [verbally] enough times.

You tell them to "bring it on" girl!

We are nice people but not to be walked on or made to feel less than we are. Stand up for yourself because you know you can & to avoid problems later. You can do it!

Hugs to you & take care! (((((((((((((((((((( Misty ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

P.S. I am an April-born, so if I seem sort of fiery, I'm an Aries.... :lol:

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Postby Misty » Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:33 pm


Thank you for giving me inspiration. No really, i have become a doormat that does not like making waves. I just hate confrontations or arguements. But you have reminded me of how i used to be. Once i get going i don't back down.

BTW...April born here too, only i'm on the cusp so i'm Taurus. Hey that explains some things :)

Thanks again so much,

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:50 pm

Not a problem Misty! :D You're SO welcome!

I was a doormat myself.... That's why I feel so strongly about it now. To a large extent, I am still mostly the same way. Sometimes people catch me off guard, & I end up being so shocked at what they did, as well as mad at myself.

I used to take people's crap & HARBOR/DWELL on it, which only made me sick & stressed me out completely. We must save ourselves!

Our battles are intense & we are constantly using what little energy we have to fight or even just cope, just barely hang on for today.

We don't need any more on our plates than we already have.

I don't like making waves either but just remember: You can always walk away from an "argument/confrontation" after you have made your point.

You DON'T have to sit there & even listen to what they have to say. Hit them hard & then remove yourself from the situation, that the conversation is "over & done with now".

Leave... Go out & grab a bite to eat to revel in your win! ;)

If you can't go out & they persist, you tell that they know they are wrong & nothing further needs to be said on the subject. If they really keep on with it, you ask them: "Did you really expect me to sit there & take your crap? THINK AGAIN."

If you have a room unto yourself or a place with a door you can close, go there & close the door.

If they bang on the door, tell them to GO AWAY & that you're not in the mood.

I hope this helps! Hugs to you! ((((((((((((((((((Misty))))))))))))))))))))))

I am sure you are stronger than you look! You can do it!

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