Other people...

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Other people...

Postby Sara_pain » Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:15 am

i was at a park kinda by my house today.. lookin around at the different people... and it hurt....
it brings back memories... from when things were okay, i didnt have a care in the world, when nothing could have made me happier, from when i still had my family, from when i was loved...
couples holding hands, like my ex and i used to
parents playing with their children, like mine never did
friends walking/gossiping together, like my friends and i used to
kids laughing, people having fun, like i used to...
i didnt know any of these people, i didnt know about their problems...
im sure they all did have problems, and some probably huge...
but they all looked so..... happy... and it hurts so bad....
especially to see couples together...
reminds me of before my ex showed his true colors...
i loved him so much, and never ever wanted to be away from him for one minute.
i was so happy...i cant really describe the pain i feel when i see couples together.... theres just no word for it.....
but it hurts...mostly because i know i cant ever be that happy again....
no one wants to love a lazy fat ass that sits around all day, iis missing half a leg, and has a lot of problems, physically, mentally, and emotionally..
theyre just to much to handle...
not sure why im even posting this...
but part of it is that ache from seeing couples together.... feels trapped inside me....

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Postby Misty » Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:23 pm

When you mentioned how people seemed to look and act at the park I couldn't help but think....how many of us project the "illusion" of being happy in front of others. Looking in from the outside we see what we want and those that actually live it are probably thinking the same thing. Just remember that it all starts within. You've just been through what most can't imagine and you are very strong just for that, imo. Hang in there, take time to heal and when you least expect good things happen.

Take Care,

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:59 pm

Indeed, please don't give up, not yet! If any thing, take a time out for now! But please don't give up entirely!

This is random, but the one reason I love being a human & wouldn't want to be any thing else per se is the ability to evolve!

It can still happen, just please hang on!

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