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Postby Translucid » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:45 pm

I truly hate myself for the number of prescriptions I have. It makes me feel shameful as I'm 26 and I'm on 5 different medications. Here soon probably more due to my back and sciatica. You shouldn't be on that many meds until your 50+. I shouldn't have the back problems I have at my age. Some days it's difficult to walk from the pain. Or my leg will give out from the sciatica. I just feel like a broken human. One with too many flaws to be much use to anyone.

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Re: Medications

Postby rak1588 » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:40 pm

Same with me, I started getting sciatic pain back in 2014 (26 years old), no medication worked. I was fired from my job after I asked about disability and because I wasn't there a year I couldn't legally do anything.

Go to or, its a different type of chiropractic work and it helped me with my piriformis syndrome. I still have pain once in a while but they showed some stretches that help.

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Re: Medications

Postby cricket » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:22 am

Translucid wrote:I truly hate myself for the number of prescriptions I have. It makes me feel shameful as I'm 26 and I'm on 5 different medications. Here soon probably more due to my back and sciatica. You shouldn't be on that many meds until your 50+. I shouldn't have the back problems I have at my age. Some days it's difficult to walk from the pain. Or my leg will give out from the sciatica. I just feel like a broken human. One with too many flaws to be much use to anyone.

Why should you be shameful for needing medicatin? It is NOT your fault that you are sick, and there is nothing wrong with being dependant on something, Everybody needs water, and some of us need meds - so what?
Im dependant on my SSRIs too, and im taking some nootropics with them i discovered here, and i dont see a problem with that. When they help me to get through the day, it is fine to take them.

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Re: Medications

Postby Drea » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:59 pm

Hi Translucid. I don't have any advice but just wanted to express support. Your post reminded me of one of my best friends, who who has fibromyalgia, and often cries in my arms about how awful to live in constant pain, or fear of inevitable pain. With my own depression, I get very envious that some people can just live their lives completely free of physical or mental health issues, and feel very frustrated that I'm supposed to navigate life with this invisible handicap. Shit is just unfair sometimes.

There's no shame in needing five medications, though. We all need something or other.

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Re: Medications

Postby number_cruncher » Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:18 pm

i wish i would have had the sense to be on medications when i was a teenager but i thought i knew better. To make this short, i've been on meds now for 22 years. They don't make life perfect, they don't make the depression "go away", but they help and i wish i wouldn't have fought taking them 43 years ago. Needless suffering. Sure i still have bad days, but nothing like the endless non-existence i lived without them. I'm 61 now.

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Re: Medications

Postby heavyheart38 » Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:33 pm

Does anyone else become immune to their meds? I'm on my third type and I can feel the nortriptyline is starting to lose it's effectiveness. I had the dosage increased early 2018 and I perked up, but over last couple of months I've just felt "flat". Problem with this is last time I was in at the GPs he seemed flummoxed and had no idea on how to proceed with another medication. Here in NZ there's limited resources (that I know of). Anyone on here from New Zealand that knows the system?

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Re: Medications

Postby Sadinatura » Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:42 pm

Don't be ashamed for taking meds for trying to cope and feel better. I myself, have to take 4, and that's not even for chronic problems. It's just for mental illnesses. You are a strong human being and seeking help is a good step.

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