How do I talk to my doctor

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How do I talk to my doctor

Postby rak1588 » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:34 pm

How do I talk to my doctor about my anxiety and depression. I'm scared to talk to the doctor, I've had health problems in the past and have been on pain killers and muscle relaxers. I don't want them to think I'm a druggie or anything. I haven't told anyone about my depression, I started to talk to the receptionist at work (shes like a mom almost) about my anxiety then got to scared.

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Re: How do I talk to my doctor

Postby KimmyO » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:55 pm

Hi there, I would just be honest, deceiving in any way is confusing to the problem and might change his diagnosis or script. If you want to try something natural first, I us magnesium malate and also ginseng pills. They really help with anxiety and depression. They calm the mind body and spirit and get rid of those sticky negative thoughts that loop around and around and cause anxiety. Also, get outside. You don't have to exercise, just even lay on grass, look at sky, trees upside down and stars. It's good for the body and soul. Hope these help you. :) If not, talk w your Dr. and get some blood work done, they can tell a lot w that, what your body needs and is lacking.

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Re: How do I talk to my doctor

Postby CamilaWillaims » Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:07 am

Hey rak1588,
Why you feel he is your doctor and his job is to help you share your problems with him without any fear.

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Re: How do I talk to my doctor

Postby graceforeverandever » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:50 pm

I am sorry for you are going through. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. I do not know about your particular situation(s). These forums are great for sharing burdens, and venting. Even in the darkest moments in our lives there’s always hope. Let me tell you that you have a purpose in life. Maybe it can sound like a cliché however things happen for a reason. I encourage you to open your heart to the therapist instead to the receptionist. The therapist can help you to discover the roots of your anxiety and depression. In time you will overcome this situation. It is better do not guess what your doctor is going to think if you have been treated on pain killers and muscle relaxers. And I know from my experiences that sometimes we do not know how to handle suffering. Suffering is neither good nor bad. And if we embrace it we can allow our transformation into a better person. In spite of this situation let me tell you that you are important and valuable person and you are a person of worth of dignity. Have you ever thought of seeking a higher being? Please hang in there! Do not give up! Maybe you can take out the good of this situation that you have to deal with. Have you considered seeking Christian counseling or therapy? Counseling or therapy works through things like this. You are valuable and worth of fighting for. Please let me tell you my friend that you are not alone in this battle. This list –ly are extremely important for you are going through: ... n-darkness. Sending you hugs. I will keep you in my prayers, my friend. Keep us posted, OK?.

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