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Postby lost-soul » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:11 pm

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Last edited by lost-soul on Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I decided i would go back to college this year, but then decided to put that off.

Postby Cactus.ly » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:18 pm

What is your experience with college? Why do you want to go back? What do you really want to get out of it?

I struggle a lot with what I should be doing and/or not having support systems that give me confidence to take risks in a timely manner. You're right to develop a plan of action, but we don't want it to be inhibitive or demoralizing. It has to help you take action.

Have you spoken with your student success and mental health resources on campus yet? Suss out what you want to get from college with an advisor and then anticipate your obstacles with regard to depression/mental health with a relevant support staff so you can have a plan when problems arise.

I hope most of this is relevant.

I can't speak well for colleges & unis (community to ivy) based on your concerns raised. Sadly, there are so many moving parts in college/uni. If there isn't a strong culture of institutional accountability... and/or some other things working in your favor... You will have to be a hardcore advocate for your education. It's important to know what you want out of it.

It sounds like, for you, college is a way "out" of your sadness and 9-5.

Are you doing talk therapy at all? If cost is an issue, does the campus have counselors available? There are resources for personal and professional development that you might just "give" yourself to, for new experiences and possibiilities, including the possibility of discussing and seeing your life experiences in different context. Possibly in a ways that can disarm those experiences and help you heal.

Good for you, taking the first step, btw.

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Re: I decided i would go back to college this year, but then decided to put that off.

Postby Cactus.ly » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:36 pm

And my apologies if you were just venting and not soliciting for advice.

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Postby lost-soul » Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:45 pm

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Last edited by lost-soul on Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: I decided i would go back to college this year, but then decided to put that off.

Postby Cactus.ly » Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:39 am

Ah, ha. I am sorry to hear that Lost-Soul. It makes perfect sense that you would feel this way starting school again, fearing that you will be out on a limb with no support. Even though you have a different living situation now, still have those fears. I am sorry there was no one there to sympathize and guide you through that experience.

Are there some appeal forms or statements you can submit, citing extenuating circumstances and requesting medical withdraw instead? Some of those deadlines can extend for a year at least, but I imagine it's been longer than that since you are re-enrolled.
If not, so be it.

You're back in. You are no longer in that living situation. And the only thing between you and things working out this time rigjt now is your headspace.

You're one resilient person. I encourage you to move forward with your plan. BUT I want you to find someone on campus you can go to when it gets tough. Even still, I enciurage you to be the person you need to hear from right now.

You actually want this. You are talented. You care about people.

Give yourself to the possibility. Failure isn't the opposite of success, it's part of it.<3

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Re: I decided i would go back to college this year, but then decided to put that off.

Postby Cactus.ly » Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:52 am

This just happened to come in my uni mail yesterday. I thought about this thread.

Talk it out

College is stressful. Life is stressful. Your mental health is something you should always take seriously, so don't be afraid to practice self-care and seek out help from friends or professionals if you need it. Often, though, college students will avoid seeking therapy or other professional help because it's simply out of their budgets.

There are ways to make it happen
First of all, if you're in need of immediate assistance for a mental health crisis, please call your nearest crisis center or 1-800-273-8255 to talk to someone who can help you.

If you're seeking out a therapist that you can see regularly, try looking into resources available at your college or university. Basic therapy services are often included in the cost of tuition, so you might as well take advantage of those since you're paying for them whether you use them or not!

Other options if your student centers are full or unavailable would be to seek out a clinic where social workers and therapists are finishing their clinical training. Since they're technically still in the training stages, their fees will typically be much lower than regular therapists. And while you might not realize it, medical bills and fees are often negotiable, so it never hurts to ask if you can get a discount. Play up the poor-college-student part of yourself and they'll probably take pity on you.

There are also several apps out there that can help. Telemedicine is a growing field and one of its prime subjects is mental health and talk therapy - after all, it's one of the only fields of health that can truly be done without seeing a doctor physically. Check out apps like Teledoc, Doctor on Demand, or Talkspace.

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