And when I one is there

Everyday life. How was your day?

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And when I one is there

Postby teelee » Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:55 am

I'm in a bad spot right now and worse than that.....I can't even reach those that I have supported over the past year. We put my sister into hospice last year on December 18th and she eventually left on Jan 6th. And it's my 3rd Christmas without my husband and 13th without my daughter. Almost lost my stepdad in Oct/Nov. My mom's doctors are telling her she needs to slow down with all her charitable activities....she's so hard-headed and I'd almost bet my life that she'll push herself out of this world too.

I've been feeling friend's children call me for help before anyone else. Guess they found the fool.....

I haven't been feeling well for the past few weeks and don't really care atm. Hard to believe I'm gonna say this....but I'm sick and tired of this shitty situation I find myself in. However, I know that it's just temporary and it'll all work out - eventually. Another year spent fighting like hell only to feel it's been another wasted year.

SMH....I should know better than to whine....doesn't do any good and I'm the only one crying :(

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Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:26 pm

Postby stillwaters » Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:04 am

Hi teelee
Im so sorry you are having a rough time now. This time of year can bring out the worst. As the year ends, I think we tend to focus on all the bad things that happened in the past year and cant see anything better happening. It does though its just hard to see. I am sure that along with the list of bad things that happened you can make a list of good things that happened. My finding this websire and meeting you amongst many other poeple is on my good list.
Your friends children probably call you because they know you are a nice person and will always listen and try to help.
Everyone has good years and bad years and I can assure you, you are not the only one crying.
Sometimes a good rant can make a bit of difference. I do hope things pick up soon for you and if you see me online feel free to share a rant room.

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