Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

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Postby CitM » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:58 pm

My biggest obstacle sometimes to cleaning is feelings of anger or feelings of being punished. Most of the time it just gets disorganized again, although a lot less lately.

I like the category approach to cleaning any room.
I also think that the right kind of storage system is helpful and if you are thinking about arts and crafts and keeping things for that, organization helps a lot with that.

For me, what I try to do is make the home a little better for my having been there each day. Sure sometimes it means status quo. But actually this approach is starting to pay off. The house does look a little better each day on the average day than it used to.

What really helped was when I was invited into someone elses home. They have five adults and two toddlers and their house was a mess. Suddenly I didn't feel so bad about mine. It gave me a lot of hope that I too can have a lovely home. I just need to change what isn't working toward a more natural look.

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:48 pm

Thank you for your feedback CitM.... !!

I am finally getting some place & will reclaim my sanity soon! (Thank goodness for that.)

It was hard on my knees, BUT....

I finally have all of my clothes & shoes in 1 closet & all of my parents' junk out of it & in another room.

I took some other junk out of the 3rd closet that was not mine & will soon try to stack all of my storage bins in there. Doing so will pretty much clear out my previous room.

My Dad is going to tackle the junk in that room, but if he doesn't do it before I get the whole house clean, which is going to take a while because there's major reorganizing to do in the kitchen, I will store those things on the top of the closet (which will be empty soon).

I'm getting there.... Yahoo!

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Postby Monty » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:28 pm

Way to go Crystal.

I have known for a couple of weeks that I am going to have company come on Friday. Got a text today from them, confirming that they are going to be here sometime on Friday.

I had better take your lead, and make some progress on this mess. Why do I always have to leave these things to the last minute.

You would think I would have learned better by now.

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:24 pm

Well..... I've really been trying! I did manage to reorganize the kitchen with help. (You can't do everything alone, right?!)

The junk room is finally back to what it should be; I moved the other bed back in there today. (Some of the junk was thrown out or went into a family storage unit.)

I've actually been keeping the house relatively clean.... I even got to the forbidden spot in the house by my Dad's bookshelves.....

Perhaps the most triumphant moment was when my Dad and I found this item that had been lost in the item for about 8 years or at least as long as I've been sick from my first seizure.

Now all I have to do is found something I lost, but it is really tiny that I feel I may not find it....

I'm beat but there's SO much more to be doing..... Officially there is one more spot in the house that needs heavy-duty cleaning. The living room is a little dusty because that's been my turnaround area. However, it's been mopped recently.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:30 pm

I am close again to having everything in order. The dining table, last part of the kitchen counter and the couch are lighter, although they are not perfect.

The floor is being repaired in one of the rooms, so there is a ton of cement/grout dust throughout the house now.

The banging was hard to deal with, as I could feel the vibrations throughout the walls and the floor. It was very jarring to my body.

There are roughly 3 sections left in the house and 2 are nearly complete. :wink: I just might make it.

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:48 am

I am again in reorganizing mode.

This time, I put all the beds on 1 side of the house. It will have to clean again soon. I am trying to have an exercise room in the house.

The point of having the beds on one side of the house was to make the exercise room but also to ensure I would have a decent wireless signal for my devices. (I don't have the wireless extenders set up yet.)

I made a storage room from one of the closets also. It seems to be working.

The soon-to-be exercise room has some junk on the floor I have to deal with at some point. There are 2 major sections of 2 areas each left, once the side with the exercise room is swept/mopped.

It's hurricane season, too....

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Re: Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

Postby cg3-nikki » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:31 am

I was doing a bit of organizing this morning on my floor & reclaiming part of my bed. It's a little lighter, but there's still a ways to go.

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Re: Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

Postby dodie » Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:47 pm

I tend to hoard and am surrounded by clutter, esp paperwork and newspapers. I have found, as you say in one of your posts, that I have to break down the tasks into v. small pcs.

Also my SO can trigger me early in the day and I spend the rest of the day moping.

Another thing that helps is to keep the garbage can front and center. It is ez to do with food. If something has been hanging around a while, I check the sell by date and usually toss it if it seems old.

I have also, of late, been giving things away. I bought new sunglasses, then realized they were much too dark to c anything at all. I was meeting my g/daughter who likes pink, which these are, and gave them to her,

Enough for now

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Re: Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

Postby HardissonHard » Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:31 am

Oh, cleaning is not a very easy process. It is necessary to organise it nicely if you want to save some time

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