Hey its Rackael

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Hey its Rackael

Postby rackael » Mon May 02, 2011 10:39 pm

Hey everyone,

I thought I would just introduce myself to everyone.

I am Rachael but Rack is my nickname.
I am 23 and from she shaky city CHCH, NZ.
I have depression and working on getting rid of it at the moment.
I have a degree in psychology and am currently learning Maori.
I have been through a lot for someone who is 23.
I am an earthquake survivor and wish the ground would stop moving.
I am currently working on writing my thoughts and feelings down as I find it easier to hand over a piece of paper then to say some things aloud.
I am the youngest of 4 children and there is a 10 year gap between me and my siblings. I am the afterthought.
I'm not too sure what I am doing with my life at the moment.
I like to listen and help ppl.
I do stuff that I shouldn't do but I am working on that.
I hate my life but I know going through this will make me stronger.

:) Rackael

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Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:51 am
Location: oklahoma

Postby Obayan » Thu May 05, 2011 4:23 pm

Hi Rack! Great to meet you.

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