
Members' personal profiles.

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Postby gentleconundrum » Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:00 pm

I'm in my 40s.
I'm in private psychotherapy and it makes all the difference to my quality of life and relationships.
I provide customer service and backroom support for public libraries, 28 hours a week.
I'm an only child. I'm creative and artistic. I enjoy reading. [Obvious, with my job!]
I was diagnosed in the Autumn of 2005, with Recurrent Depressive Disorder. But I have lived with it much of my life - hence 'recurrent'.
Most of my difficulties arise from early trauma and later abuse. I have complex trauma symptoms, and have sub-threshold Borderline.
I have been prescribed Mirtazapine since the official diagnosis. Before that I was on Venlafaxine, and the less said about that the better...

Posts: 1395
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:46 pm

Postby balcony » Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:39 pm

Hello again, gentleconundrum, you have much to be proud of !!! I am the first to ask a librarian for assitance so thank you for what you do. Creativity is such a blessing as well, I hope you are able to find enough time for your creative work. It is so important to make that time for your passions. The older we become, the more responsibilities life gives us and it is our artistry that gets put on the back burner. I think it is so exciting to meet new people who stay active in the creative world. I am a music teacher/performer, when I am not a mom and homemaker. It is incredibly difficult at times to balance both worlds, but, I know the deepest peace comes to me when I am making music and sharing that with other people. I hope you find this site a great place to find additional support. Check out our chat room if you have a chance, it is another great resource here at Depression-Understood.
Take care

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Postby gentleconundrum » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:53 pm

Thank you balcony.

I'm technically not a librarian - that's the next grade up from mine! But I do a lot of the similar work.

My creativity of choice is creative non fiction, poetry and therapeutic art. I've also danced in the past. My challenge now is to join a group for one of these things.

Posts: 1395
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:46 pm

Postby balcony » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:52 pm

Fantastic. I am sure you will be able to find classes and or groups in one or more of those creative areas. Continuing Education programs affliated with local community colleges often offer many classes and groups at reasonable prices. Some towns have programs run out of their Park/Recreation departments and local YMCA. Best of luck to you.

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Postby gentleconundrum » Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:55 am

Thank you. :)

It's 'simply' the matter of overcoming personal insecurities and extreme self consciousness and getting out there... and finding something that works around my schedule.

Posts: 1395
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:46 pm

Postby balcony » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:02 pm

one step at a time, nothing is ever "simple" really, so don't be so hard on yourself. I wish you the best.

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