This is Me (Camp rock song as well)

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This is Me (Camp rock song as well)

Postby Kyle » Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:04 am

I used to be a shy person mostly all my life
Until I met my four good friends that changed my outlook on life all together

I believe(because i've been there) that its hard to make friends; i still dont have many.
But my therapists says its okay, infact better to have less friends, because you know who your real friends are by the way they treat you and you treat them.

I didnt mean to state this in my Profile, but what the hey!

Im not as depressed as i once was and infact im very young so at night is when i have my depressive boughts of sometimes suicidal thoughts, but I believe ive come to terms with the fact that maybe(just maybe) the world would be a better place with me instead of without me, ive come to that realization.

for everyone struggling to find your place in the world i feel your pain, I still am.

Now a little bit about my interests on the side: My friend got me into Celine Dion and im glad for it her music inspired me to search for deeper meaning in life before I did anything detromental.
I like RnB, rock, pop, japanese pop and rock, and sometimes watch American Idol.

There you go!

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Postby aim » Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:24 pm

Hey Kyle! Great to hear that your outlook on life is beginning to get more positive! Your therapist is SO right! When I was younger I had tons of friends and did enjoy my time with them, but never felt particularly close to any of them. Now? I'm 32 and only have my boyfriend who is my best friend, and a few close and personal ones. Life is so much better this way! Making time for the people who really matter is much easier than trying to make time for a number of people you have lukewarm feelings for.

You should be proud of yourself for realizing that the world is only better with you in it. Just remember... God made you for a reason, Kyle. He wants you to feel good about yourself! Glad you found Celine Dion - singers; artists; poets; writers, and preachers... they send inspiration out to whoever is open enough to hear it!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:58 am

(((((((((((((((( Kyle ))))))))))))))

Thank you for posting and sharing as you have. Hope this will give you an outlet to vent your feelings.

Friends, to me, are those that can step inside of my heart and feel what I truly feel. There aren't a lot of people that can do that. This is why those friends are truly special.

Just my out look on that.

Hope to see more posting from you, and take care.

Warmie 8)

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