I really need help

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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I really need help

Postby Sailormoon85 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:07 pm

I have been with my bf for 2 years. Our relationship was great, but 6 months ago it changed. He's dealing with financial issues and is a new single dad. I barely see him, he goes days without talking to me at times and his mood is always up and down. I'm so sad I cry about it everyday. I also have depression, anxiety and ptsd but I manage it well through therapy, well try to. This is bringing me down. I want to leave but idk if that's best. I haven't talked to him since Thursday and he keeps saying he's tired of life and really depressed. I'm tired of the emotional push/ pull and damage. Im so upset. How do I cope?

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Re: I really need help

Postby Burntouted » Mon Mar 06, 2023 12:27 pm

It's best that you end things permanently.

He isn't equipped nor healthy enough to be in a relationship with anyone right now..

Neither are you.

Drop him permanently.

Work on yourself to enhance your life, gain self esteem, self respect, self love, self dignity perhaps in therapy.

Remain single until you are healthy enough to perhaps resume being in the dating world again.

Do not go back to him.

You two are incompatible.

He also has shown disinterest in you and the relationship.
if he became a new father within the relationship, you don't need to be with someone who cheats on you.

It's best to separate.
He has other focuses, struggles and other responsibilities that he needs to figure out by primarily by himself. .. without a relationship.

Forcus on learning how to treat yourself better and improving your life

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Re: I really need help

Postby cheese_cake210 » Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:30 am

This relationship is not good for you. You need to get out and start a new life with new friends and new opportunities or you will get deeper and deeper in it. Focus on youself and your career, develop your skills, go travelling if you can (it will help a lot). About your friend, if you cannot help to make things better, give some advice to him, introduce experts to help him to solve his issues or just listen

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